Hi esther,

Thanks for your tip that is shown below. This was the answer I was looking for. I really appreciate your help.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Esther" <mori...@mac.com>
To: "VIPhone" <viphone@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: Fire 2?

Hi Chris,

I'm going to paste in a tip that Mario left in another thread
discussing FiRe that you participated in, with subject title:
"Recording while out".  It doesn't show up in the search thread
results example I wrote up for Fanus, where I listed how to find the
various starting posts of threads that discuss FiRe 2, because the
originating post doesn't mention FiRe. But if you read through the
subject link results of a search for posts that Neal made on FiRe, and
compared them with the subject link titles of posts on FiRe that began
threads, you'd have picked this one up.  You'd also have found it if
you read up and down the threads of all of Neal's posts on FiRe.

<begin quote>
tip: when you have recorded something, the playback cursor is alwais
at the end of the track, and you can't click the play button.

To go to the start of the track, disable vo and double tap the middle
left and right sections of the screen.
<end quote>

Mario also gave a brief post of where to change the settings for the
Record button action in that thread. By the way, FiRe isn't the only
music app that bypasses the normal Mic recording, but many of the
others are not accessible.  take a look at this list of Core Audio iOS
apps from the iOS Musician page:
Thie list on thus page can be read with Safari Reader (e.g., on an iOS
device, double tap the "Reader" button in the Safari address bar, or
on a Mac, press Command-Shift-R to toggle into and out of the reader,
to read only the article and not the surrounding web page contents).
However, if you navigate by headings through the full page, you'll
find a list of currently oh sale music apps (heading level 2).  This
includes the Korg synth apps like iKaossikator at half price ($9.99 vs
$19.99 until March 20).  Haven't tried this myself, but the deals are
posted up at AppleVis with links to the app and podcast entries.

HTH with both FiRe and information on using the Mail Archive search



On Mar 15, 8:32 pm, "Chris Judd" <chrischas0...@charter.net> wrote:
I'm unable to play my first recording.
I go in, and hit record, and then when I'm done, I swipe to the stop button,
and then, I hear play dimmed button.
Any suggestions?
I'm trying to get used to this cool app.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Neal Ewers" <neal.ew...@ravenswood.org>
To: <viphone@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 12:36 AM
Subject: RE: Fire 2?

Well Esther, you have just upped the count on the Fire 2 post by a couple.
One is me thanking you for all the knowledge that you spread on this list.
And now I need to post some update information I learned today from the Fire
2 developers. Thanks much for sharing your knowledge.


-----Original Message-----
From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Esther
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 11:45 PM
To: VIPhone
Subject: Re: Fire 2?

Hi Fanus,

To change the button action so you can record by double tapping the Record
button instead of sliding it to the right (which you'd have to do with
VoiceOver turned off) in FiRe 2, go to Settings (4th of 5 tabs on the
bottom), double tap, then flick right to "Transport" and double tap, Then,
on the "Transport" screen, under the "Record Button"
heading, flick right to "Button Controls". A further flick right will tell
you the switch button status, which is initially set to "off".
Double tap to set this to "switch button, on", and you will notices that
some of the other options under the "Record Button" heading, like "Slide To Stop", will disappear. I also set the switch button for "Hold to Record" to
"switch button, off", so you don't have to keep holding down the "Record
Button" for the length of your recording session.

The ability to change the way of starting recording in Settings by tapping
instead of sliding the "Record" button is a recent modification (version
2.6, January 2013). This is basically the reason that Annie and I stopped
playing with this app when this new setup for FiRe 2 appeared in late 2011.

Fanus, I think Carla was mainly thanking me for some old tips on using the
Mail Archive page to search for posted content on this list, more than for
describing how to change the Record button action in FiRe 2. Let me tell
you how you can find out the answers to your questions for yourself, by
using the link to the Mail Archive page that appears at the end of every

First, just typing search terms into the text box on that page and pressing enter will give you several good results, shown as a list of links to posts by subject line, with a brief section of matching text context, along with a
date and the name of the poster. This is like being able to do a Google
search on this mailing list's contents, But you can also filter the results according to the poster, date range, and subject, and you can use wild cards like the asterisk character in your search terms, if you're not sure of the spelling. So, for example, since Neal Ewers started the discussions on FiRe
2, a good way to search for content on FiRe 2 would be to type into the
search text box:
from:Neal FiRe
and then press enter. The "from:" filter term ends in a colon, and whether
I leave a space after the colon before typing a name is optional. The
arguments are not case sensitive. However, the name I type in must match a
word that shows up in the "From:" field of his posts. It can be either a
first or last name, or it can even be more than one word if I enclose his
full name in quotation marks, but that's generally not necessary.This search
will give me every post that Neal wrote which contains the word, "FiRe"
somewhere in the post, and I'll be told (at present) that there are 13

The results are listed in order of "relevance" to your search term, so posts
where "FiRe" appears several times will be listed first. But if I want to
catch up with how Neal first introduced the topic, and any questions he may have posed to the list, I can add the filter terms "sort:oldest" to have the
oldest posts appear first, or I can use "sort:newest" to have the most
recent matches listed first. Again, there is a colon after the word "sort", and I could place these arguments before or after the search terms or "from" filter in my search text box. Most often I'll use the command to move back a
page to return to my original search text box arguments and either add
arguments to or modify the search terms I used, depending on how many
results I got, and how these turned out. So my search terms could be:
from:Neal FiRe sort:oldest
And when I press the return key, I find that his first post on this subject
is "Questions about Fire 2 Field Recorder", and that short synopsis shows
he's asking how to change action of the "Record"
button. Now if I activate the link to that post in the list of results, I
can read his full post.

What's very powerful about he Mail Archive page is that there are access-key
shortcuts that work for any browser/operating system combination, and that
let you read up and down the threads. So for Safari on a Mac, the access-key
prefix is the Control key, and if I press Control-n, I'll navigate to the
next post in the thread, which is my answer on how to change the action of
the "Record" button. If I press Control-p, I can read the previous post in
a thread. If I'm using another computer and browser combination, I just use
the appropriate access-key for that browser in place of the Control key
(e.g., Alt-n and Alt-p for Internet Explorer on Windows, Alt-Shift-n and
Alt-Shift-p for Netscape, etc.)

Now, let's assume that I want to find the first posts of all the threads
about FiRe 2, and read down them at the Mail Archive site. I can use the
Boolean search feature to exclude posts that have the "Re:" string for
replies by adding that as a search term, but typing a hyphen character
immediately before this string. So my search terms
FiRe 2 -Re sort:newest
and when I press return, I get 7 matches. They include one thread about
games and a second about a drive that can be used with the Kindle Fire,
which is why I added the sort argument , since the threads discussing FiRe
Field Recorder are recent.

You can now activate these links and use Control-n to read down every post
on this topic.

For more information on search syntax and access-key shortcuts, check the
Mail Archive FAQ pages at:http://www.mail-archive.com/faq.html

I hope this has been a practical example of how to use the search function
to find content in the list archives. It takes about a day or less for new
content to be indexed for searches, but if you're looking for recent posts,
you can simply go to the Mail Archive web page for this site without
searching for text, and do a "Find" on that web page. Also, although I
described how to do a search on the Mac, you can equivalently move to the
links for the next and previous posts on iOS devices. Finally, you can copy
the URL address of the post you want to reference (e.g., on a Mac, move to
the Safari address bar with Command-L, and copy the URL with Command-C),
then paste the link into your mail post with Command-V.

There's also a recent AppleVis podcast that describes how to create 3- line
web shortcut files on the Mac that you can place on your Desktop or in the
Dock, and open to open your browser at that web page. I make such web
shortcut files that open on the Mail Archive pages for these lists. You can
read printed instructions for doing this on a Mac at John Panarese's
MacfortheBlind pages:http://macfortheblind.com/Tips-and-Tricks-for-the-Mac
Navigate to the heading for "Web Shortcut Files"

Here's the shortened link to the AppleVis Podcast page in question:

HTH. Cheers,


On Mar 14, 10:24 pm, "Fanus" <buys.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HelloCarla& Esther
> How does one start a recording. There is a slide which VO says but
> when I double tap on it nothing happens.
> RegardsFanus

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "CarlaSavage" <ca...@astromech.demon.co.uk>
> To: <viphone@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 10:07 AM
> Subject: Re: Fire 2?

> Hi Esther,
> Thanks very much for your tips. I have now successfully made some
> recordings with this app and I have to say that the results are pretty
> amazing even though I used the built-in mic.
> I've not attempted any editing yet but I've been reading from the
> mannual and see no reason why this isn't do-able.
> I've not come across the various settings for female voice etc yet but
> there does seem to be highpass lowpass etc which may be worth
> experimenting with.
> Take care,
> Cokes.

> At 03:45 05/03/2013, you wrote:
> >Hi DJ, Richard, and Others,

> >The app is FiRe 2 - Field Recorder ($5.99) by Audiofile
> >Engineering:
> >https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fire-2-field-recorder/id436241643?mt=
> >8

> >The name comes from the two initial letters of the words, "Field
> >Recorder", since the original FiRe app (spelled capital "F", small
> >letter "i", capital "R", small letter "e") was the first professional
> >grade recorder for the iPhone for recording gigs in the field.

> >The editing functions and additional customization for sampling rates
> >were added in version two of the app, which I haven't tried to use
> >yet with VoiceOver. They also allowed you to record mono tracks, and
> >provided various equalizer settings to boost male or female voice
> >recordings, or optimize for specifc settings, like lecture recordings
> >or concerts. The sort of features that were accessible in version 1
> >of FiRe that you didn't find in other such apps were precise marker
> >placement and navigation by these markers within tracks.

> >One warning for something not to try with



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