NuForce NE-600 M/Black

Note the spelling is N U Force not N E W

These are buds in the true sense. They are probably the smallest buds I have
seen. If you think of them as having three parts, the stem for the bud that
fits into the ear canal, a middle portion with the speakers and an outer
piece. Each of these sections are about equal in length with a total length
of about an inch. The buds are the simple round silicone with an outer
phalange that seals sound in and out, although they do not totally isolate
outside noise. They are furnished with small, medium and large sizes. The
sound driver section is probably the circumference of a large pencil and the
outer most section the size of a regular pencil eraser. They are metal
construction and feel as though they are solid metal but very light weight.

The cable is flat, which is said to help prevent tangling. On the left wire
there is a microphone and one button for controls. There is no volume
control. The instructions were very few, so I gather you can press and hold
to access Siri; press to answer or disconnect calls or play/stop music;
press twice to skip forward. That is all I have been able to accomplish thus
far. The cable connection is angled.

I must say these are nearly the best sounding ear buds I have tried.
Certainly for the price. They do not have the base of my Bose MIE2. I have
never really bought into the idea that speakers need to be burned in but I
am going to pay special attention to see if the quality changes as I use
these. Even though they are just the round silicone buds, they do stay in my
ear quite well, and that is a huge problem with most all buds I have tried.

I purchased from Amazon for $29. The M/Black refers to the color I got. I
know there was red, and maybe one other color. I do highly recommend these
as a second pair you might use in situations you are afraid to lose or
damage your best buds.

Let me know if I can be more clear about anything.


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