You can get Raul's or Cara's email from any email they've sent to the list. If you don't know how to access the email headers with your email client and screen reader, I've found that a reply to all almost always works.

You can also contact the owner of the list by following the link at the bottom of each message and clicking on the about link. Here you'll find a contact owner link which will bring up a contact form you can fill out.

BTW, I copied Raul and Cara on this message, so you can get their email addresses from the headers of this message.

On 06/28/2013 04:16 PM, Keith Bundy wrote:
Please excuse the post, as I don’t have the email address for either
Raul or Cara.
I have a friend who has subscribed to the list and who is unable to
post. Could one of you send me your email address privately so that I
can give it to him?
Thanks much.

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Christopher (CJ)
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