
I assume you mean the application iPlayer radio.

I do the following to advance the list of available radio stations:
Once I flick to the last visible station, I double-tap and hold which is 
voiceover standard gesture for pass-through.  Hold your finger on the screen 
until you've heard a sound and Voiceover says scroll down for more stations.  
Now, drag your finger up the screen and release and yo you will be able to 
flick through more stations.  Only two or three additional stations appear on 
the screen so you may have to repeat this sequence to find the one you want if 
it is at the bottom of the list.  This is how it works on my iphone.  On my 
ipad mini, the list of stations appears horizontally so I drag my finger 
horizontally not vertically to achieve the same result after double-tap and 
hold gesture.

Hope this helps.

On 4 Aug 2014, at 07:42, Hicks Steven (CORNWALL IT SERVICES) 
<steven.hi...@nhs.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> When you move over the radio station buttons with the BBC Radio Player, it 
> says scroll to see more stations, does anyone know the jestjer to scroll 
> through the stations please?
> I have tried a two and three finger swipe but it doesn't seem to do anything.
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  • BBC Rdio Player Hicks Steven (CORNWALL IT SERVICES)
    • Re: BBC Rdio Player Andrew Lamanche

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