On 12/15/2010 08:50 PM, (*^__^*) wrote:
> hi all
>     I'm installing guestos on RHEL6,no X,so i connect with putty. My cli 
> command is
>  virt-install --name=node2 --arch=x86_64 --vcpus=2 --ram=1024 --os-type=linux 
> --os-variant=rhel4 --hvm --connect=qemu:///system --network bridge:virbr0 
> --cdrom=/tmp/RHEL4-U4-X64-dvd.iso --disk path=/dev/mapper/vm-node3 
> --accelerate  --keymap=es  --nographics --extra-args='text console=tty0 utf8 
> console=ttyS0,115200 method=cdrom'
>  It can't open console,but when i install it with cli
>  virt-install -n node1 -r 1024 -f /dev/mapper/vm-node1 -s 20 --vcpus=2 
> --os-type linux --os-variant=rhel4 --network bridge=virbr0 --nographics 
> --location= --extra-args='console=tty0 
> console=ttyS0,115200n8' 
> It runs OK!
>  Anyone found the same problem,I want know how to slove it!

--extra-args does not work with --cdrom, since we have no way of passing
the kernel arguments through to the cdrom in the guest.

When using --location, virt-install has access to the full install tree,
which means it can pass the kernel arguments directly to the boot

- Cole

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