On 19/01/2011, at 2:43 AM, Wu Haa wrote:
> Hi,
> If/when will 'chroot'/'runas user' be made available in virt-manager and xml 
> config structure.
> QEMU-KVM Options
> -chroot dir     Chroot to dir just before starting the VM.
> -runas user     Change to user id user just before starting the VM.

Good questions, I'm (personally) not able to help with the answers for those 

But, with the "runas" one, there is a related ability to choose the user and 
group that _all_
virtual machines are run using, in the qemu configuration file.

It's definitely not the thing you're asking for, but just mentioning in case 
it's useful.
(depends on what you need, etc)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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