On 06/29/2016 10:36 AM, Fabiano FidĂȘncio wrote:
> The "grab-notify" signal lets us know when our widget becomes
> shadowed by a Gtk+ grab on another widget, or when it becomes unshadowed
> due to a grab being removed.
> That's exactly the case we face when dealing with "usb-redirection" and
> "close" items of the fullscreen toolbar. And, currently, when these
> widgets get closed the timed-revealer stays there forever. From now on
> let's take advantage of the "grab-notify" signal and schedule a timeout
> for the revealer when these widgets' windows get closed.

Reading the docs about the 'grab-notify' signal, it indeed seems the
right thing to do (TM), but would be nice to have Christophe opinion
here too, as he was involved in reviewing the refactor of this widget.

Regards, Eduardo.

Eduardo de Barros Lima (Etrunko)
Software Engineer - RedHat

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