On 03/26/2014 09:29 AM, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
> On 03/26/2014 09:01 AM, Cole Robinson wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion. When the VM is offline, I changed the revert
>> message to 'all disk and configuration changes...'. I wanted to keep it
>> explicit with the 'disk' bit, since 'all changes' is a bit generic, and we
>> already use that phrase to refer to discarding UI changes in the details
>> dialog. I want the message to be very clear that we are talking about actual
>> changes inside the guest.
> Thanks Cole but I'm not sure if I explained the issue well.  Right now,
> when you revert the snapshot, the added hardware (after the snapshot was
> taken) *isn't removed* when you revert to its snapshot.  Those UI
> changes you made in the details dialog will still remain (which is
> counter-intuitive).  The other day I was doing a bunch of tests
> (throwing in lots of new hardware and later reverting to the snapshots
> and to my surprise I still had all the hardware junk from previous
> interactions).
> Or are you saying that this issue is fixed as well?

Hmm, that's not the way it is supposed to work. If the VM is running, libvirt
should raise an error that the snapshot revert won't work. If the VM is
shutoff, the VM should show the original hw config after reverting to the

If that's not what you are seeing, please file a fedora libvirt bug and
mention all relevant package versions.

- Cole
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