On 3/15/07, Emiliano Heyns <emiliano.he...@iris-advies.nl> wrote:

On 3/15/07, Emiliano Heyns <emiliano.he...@iris-advies.nl> wrote:
> Built using Inno Setup <http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php> and 
> Simple but does the job. The setup will install Virtuoso, register
> virtodbc.dll (am I supposed to do anything with the other libs in the
> lib dir?) and optionally registers and starts the demo server. Will alter
> the PATH to include the bin directory, but it will only be picked up after
> logging in and out for some reason.

Oops, old version.

The windows binaries are appearantly 04.50.2919? At least that's what the
conductor says? My main platform will be Linux (Ubuntu 6.10), it does
compile there (although it took some tinkering), but I have a co-worker that
I want to show this too, and he's win-only. Is a newer windows build

Is there a timeline for the 5.x version for any platform, BTW? What do
people usually use Virtuoso for?


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