Hello Tim,
On 9/21/07, Tim Haynes <tim.hay...@openlinksw.co.uk> wrote: > If I understand you right, are you looking for SQLDescribeCol() ? That is > the underlying ODBC API call for retrieving the datatype of a column in a > resultset, whatever wrappers QT have implemented around it. > > http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library//ms716289.aspx looks relevant. Actually, thats not what I'm looking for. As you can see, Soprano is basically a wrapper for RDF APIs. So, suppose I do a query like sparql select ?s, ?p, ?o where {?s ?p ?o}; via ODBC then, it returns a result set, which I can print to console fine. The problem is, ?o is of the "any" type as per your descriptions in Virtuoso docs. But, I need to know whether in a given row of the result set, whether ?o is bound to a blank node or an XML Schema literal of some type, etc. How can I determine that ? Regards Rajeev J Sebastian