Hello Ivan,

On Jan 23, 2008 2:30 PM, Ivan Mikhailov <imikhai...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
> Rajeev,
> As far as I understand, you've intended to find out subject with
> property equal to an integer 1.

Yes that was what I was trying.

> But "1" and 1 are two different things,
> 1^^xsd:int is also differs in type and { ?x urn:prop1 1. } contains a
> subtle error -- dot immediately after "1" become decimal point of double
> precision constant (xsd:double), instead of indicating end of triple. A
> space like in { ?x urn:prop1 1 . } will change the meaning.

I guess I didnt make clear ... I was trying all the different
permutations and combinations possible to try and get a result ;)

I tried it without the dot, and it was not working i.e.,

{?foo urn:prop1 1}

ultimarely the problem was that my data contained a "1"^^xsd:int and I
think virtuoso dealt with only xsd:integer

> The most interesting is why "1"^^xsd:integer. does not fork for you as
> it should, but it works for last CVS checkout and maybe for last
> published version. Anyway you know the fix now and there's no need to
> upgrade before next VOS release that is scheduled for this weekend.

What actually should have worked was "1"^^xsd:int ... since that was
the value in my sample data.

Also, in Virtuoso, will there be equivalence between typed values ?
For e.g., in python, 1 == 1.0 works even thought first is integer and
second is a float

Rajeev J Sebastian

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