Hi Jens,

Your email attachments are visible but all as one file in my mail client so it is hard to delimit the 3 files. I presume they are showing success via the official DBpedia endpoint but encoding problems when querying your local DBpedia instance via the endpoint or isql ?

When you first added the "charset =UTF-8" entry in your virtuoso.ini file did that resolve your initial problem or did you also have to reloaded your datasets as it was not clear to me what was done to resolve the initial problem ? As it would make sense to get back to the point where it is working and then reload datasets (original and these new one you refer to) to try and see at what point the encoding issues start occurring.

Note Yrjana and Orri are at ISWC so if you are also their then perhaps they can offer some assistance if you can locate them ...

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
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On 27 Oct 2008, at 08:44, Jens Lehmann wrote:


Ivan Mikhailov wrote:
Hello Jens,

First of all, try to repeat same query via ISQL. After that you will
know whether stored data are incorrect or the web service endpoint runs
wrong way. Depending on the case, the diagnostics will be totally
different. In case of incorrect data in RDF storage we will try to
understand the error in data loading side, in case of web service we
will try to find a way of reproducing it locally and fix.

We have the encoding problem again (and it is urgent now) after we
reloaded data sets and loaded some new ones. virtuoso.ini hasn't
changed, so it's a bit frustrating to see them appear again.

For instance, the following query (abstract for resource "Karlsruhe"):

SELECT ?o FROM <http://dbpedia.org> WHERE {
<http://dbpedia.org/property/abstract> ?o }

gets the attached results via official DBpedia SPARQL endpoint
(karlsruhe_dbpedia_org.xml), our local endpoint (karlsruhe.xml) and the
ISQL command line (karlsruhe_isql.txt). The official endpoint and ISQL
are encoding correctly.

We still have the charset UTF-8 directive in virtuoso.ini, the reloaded
the long abstract data set (it didn't change) and other output formats
(HTML, JSON) produce correct encodings. Out virtuoso version is 5.0.8.

Kind regards,


Dipl. Inf. Jens Lehmann
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Homepage: http://www.jens-lehmann.org
GPG Key: http://jens-lehmann.org/jens_lehmann.asc
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sparql xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/sparql-results#"; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rf1/ result2.xsd">
  <variable name="o"/>
 <results distinct="false" ordered="true">
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="en">Karlsruhe (; population 285,812 in 2006) is a city in the south west of Germany, in the Bundesland Baden-Württemberg, located near the French-German border.

Founded in 1715 as Karlsruhe Palace, the surrounding town became the seat of two of the highest courts in Germany, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany whose decisions have the force of a law, and the Federal Court of Justice of Germany, the highest court of appeals in matters of civil law and criminal law. It therefore considers itself the home of justice in Germany, a role taken over from Leipzig after 1933.</literal></binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="es">Karlsruhe es una ciudad y Distrito Urbano en el suroeste de Alemania, en el Bundesland de Baden-Wurtemberg cerca de la frontera de Alemania con Francia. Karlsruhe también es la capital del Distrito Rural de Karlsruhe, aunque no forma parte de él. El Tribunal Constitucional Federal Alemán (Bundesverfassungsgericht) con sede en Karlsruhe.</literal></ binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="de">Karlsruhe ist ein Stadtkreis in Baden-Württemberg, Sitz des Regierungsbezirks Karlsruhe, der Region Mittlerer Oberrhein und des Landkreises Karlsruhe. Historisch ist Karlsruhe Haupt- und Residenzstadt des ehemaligen Landes Baden. Die Stadt wird im Norden, Osten und Süden vom Landkreis Karlsruhe und im Westen vom Rhein begrenzt, welcher hier die Grenze Baden-Württembergs mit Rheinland-Pfalz bildet. Karlsruhe ist nach Stuttgart (etwa 75&amp;nbsp;km südöstlich) und Mannheim (etwa 60&amp;nbsp;km nördlich) die drittgrößte Stadt des Landes Baden-Württemberg und hat eine Fläche von etwa 173&amp;nbsp;km². Seit 1950 ist Karlsruhe Sitz des Bundesgerichtshofs und seit 1951 des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, weshalb die Stadt den Beinamen Residenz des Rechts trägt.</ literal></binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="fi">Karlsruhe on kaupunki Saksassa Baden-Württembergin osavaltiossa lähellä Ranskan rajaa, ja siellä on 285 812 asukasta. Kaupunki perustettiin 1715, eli se on saksalaiseksi kaupungiksi hyvin nuori.</literal></binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="fr">Karlsruhe est une ville d&#39;Allemagne, située dans le Land de Bade-Wurtemberg. Elle est le siège de la Cour constitutionnelle allemande (Bundesverfassungsgericht) et du Tribunal fédéral de justice (Bundesgerichtshofs).

Fondée en 1715 par le margrave Charles-Guillaume de Bade-Durlach, Karlsruhe est l&#39;ancienne capitale du Grand-duché de Bade.

La ville a été détruite à 80 % durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La plupart des bâtiments sont donc récents ou reconstruits, y compris le château, après la guerre. Cette reconstruction exemplaire a permis une structure urbaine très aérée, qui respecte le plan initial de la ville classique, avec de larges voies rectilignes, les axes partant du château sont obliques suivant le plan de ce bâtiment dont les ailes sont en éventail par rapport au corps central. Si l&#39;on suit une de ces voies on s&#39;écarte très vite des rues adjacentes au début.

L’ancienne orthographe française est Carlsruhe.</literal></binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="it">Karlsruhe è la terza città più grande del Land tedesco del Baden-Württemberg (dopo Stoccarda e Mannheim). Fino al 1945 è stata la capitale del vecchio Land del Baden.</literal></binding>
   <binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="ja">城
中心街にあるピラミッド(カール・ヴィルヘルム が永眠している)

カールスルーエ(Karlsruhe)は、ドイツ連邦共和国 の都市。バーデン=ヴュルテンベルク州に属す る。人口は約28万人で、同州ではシュトゥットガ ルト、マンハイムに続く第三の規模の都市であ る。連邦憲法裁判所(Bundesverfassungsgericht) や連邦 裁判所(Bundesgerichtshof)の所在地である。</literal></ binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="nl">Karlsruhe is een stad in de Duitse deelstaat Baden-Württemberg. Karlsruhe is na Stuttgart (circa 65 km ten oosten van Karlsruhe) en Mannheim (circa 55 km ten noorden van Karlsruhe) de op twee na grootste stad in Baden-Württemberg en heeft een oppervlakte van circa 173 km². Karlsruhe telde op 30 juni 2006 286.331 inwoners. Sinds 1950 zetelt in Karlsruhe het zogenaamde Bundesgerichtshof en sinds 1951 het Bundesverfassungsgericht waardoor de stad de bijnaam Residentie van het recht kreeg.</literal></binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="no">:Annen betydning: Den tyske krysseren «Karlsruhe» med navn etter byen.

Karlsruhe er en by i den tyske delstaten Baden-Württemberg, i det sydvestlige Tyskland. Den ligger ved Rhinen, like i nærheten av grensen til Frankrike, ca. 60 km. syd for Ludwigshafen og ca. 80 km. nordøst for Stuttgart. Karlsruhe har ca. 280&amp;nbsp;000 innbyggere (2002).

Byen ble grunnlagt 17. juni 1715 gjennom byggingen av slottet Karlsruhe. Etter 1806 var Karlsruhe residensby for storhertugene av Baden og fra 1919 hovedstad i Fristaten Baden. Noen år etter annen verdenskrig ble statene Baden og Württemberg slått sammen, og Württembergs hovedstad Stuttgart ble hovedstad for den nye staten.

Den tyske forfatningsdomstolen holder til i Karlsruhe. Det finnes et universitet og seks faghøyskoler. Byens borgermester er Heinz Fenrich (CDU).</literal></binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="pl">Karlsruhe – miasto w południowo-zachodnich Niemczech (Badenia-Wirtembergia),
na Nizinie Górnoreńskiej, nad rzekami Alb i Pfinz (dopływy Renu).
Wysokość n.p.m. wynosi: 115 m.</literal></binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="pt">Karlsruhe é uma cidade independente (kreisfreie Stadt) da Alemanha, capital do distrito homónimo e da região administrativa de Karlsruhe, estado de Baden- Württemberg.

A cidade destaca-se pelo seu formato em &quot;leque&quot;. Karlsruhe abriga a famosa primeira universidade tecnológica da Alemanha. Cerca de 38&amp;nbsp;940 estrangeiros vivem na cidade (2004).</literal></binding>
   <binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="ru">{
Ка́рлсруэ — город в Германии, в земле Баден-Вюртемберг, расположенный в окрестностях реки Рейн недалеко от французско- германской границы.

Карлсруэ является третьим по численности населения (285&amp;nbsp;263 человек на 31 декабря 2005) городом земли Баден-Вюртемберг и 21-м в Германии.

В «резиденции права», как иногда называют Карлсруэ, расположены Федеральный конституционный суд, Федеральный суд и Генеральная прокуратура Германии, а также многочисленные федеральные и земельные ведомства. В городе проживает большое количество чиновников и госслужащих.

Замок Карлсруэ</literal></binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="sv">Karlsruhe är en stad i den tyska delstaten Baden-Württemberg. Staden ligger vid Rhen omkring 60 km söder om Mannheim och Ludwigshafen och cirka 80 km nordost om Stuttgart. Karlsruhe har omkring 285 000 invånare (31.12.2006).</literal></binding>
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="zh">卡尔斯鲁厄 (Karlsruhe),是德国巴登-符腾堡州的城市。卡尔斯 鲁厄是继斯图加特和曼海姆的巴登-符腾堡州第三大 城市,面积约173平方千米。卡尔斯鲁厄是德国联邦 最高法院和德国联邦宪法法院的所在地。在巴登州 与符腾堡州尚未合并为巴登-符腾堡州前,卡尔斯鲁 厄曾是巴登州的首府。</literal></binding>
</sparql><sparql xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/sparql-results#"; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rf1/ result2.xsd">
  <variable name="o"/>
 <results distinct="false" ordered="true">
<binding name="o"><literal xml:lang="en">Karlsruhe (; population 285,812 in 2006) is a city in the south west of Germany, in the Bundesland Baden-Württemberg, located near the French-German border.

Founded in 1715 as Karlsruhe Palace, the surrounding town became the seat of two of the highest courts in Germany, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany whose decisions have the force of a law, and the Federal Court of Justice of Germany, the highest court of appeals in matters of civil law and criminal law. It therefore considers itself the home of justice in Germany, a role taken over from Leipzig after 1933.&quot;</literal></binding>
</sparql>OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b.
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
SQL> Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 05.00.3018 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
______________________________________________________________________ _________

Karlsruhe (; population 285,812 in 2006) is a city in the south west of Germany, in the Bundesland Baden-Württemberg, located near the French-German border.

Founded in 1715 as Karlsruhe Palace, the surrounding town became the seat of two of the highest courts in Germany, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany whose decisions have the force of a law, and the Federal Court of Justice of Germany, the highest court of appeals in matters of civil law and criminal law. It therefore considers itself the home of justice in Germany, a role taken over from Leipzig after 1933."

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