Hi Kjetil,
I typically just run "trace_on()" without any options giving you
everything and you definitely will see any sparql or other queries
being executed. Or the following showed me the sparql query being
trace_on('exec','soap', 'client_sql', 'compile');
With compile being the option that enable the sparql queries to be
logged that were being compiled:
08:57:19 COMP_2 0 Internal Compile text: call
"WS"."WS"."/DAV/VAD/rdf_mappers/rdfdesc/description.vsp" (?, ?, ?)
08:57:19 COMP_2 105 Internal Compile text: sparql define
get:soft "soft" SELECT * from <http://demo.openlinksw.com/schemas/
oraclehr/max_salary> where { ?x ?y ?z }
08:57:20 COMP_2 105 Internal Compile text: sparql
CONSTRUCT { <http://demo.openlinksw.com/schemas/oraclehr/max_salary> ?
p ?o }
FROM <http://demo.openlinksw.com/schemas/oraclehr>
WHERE { <http://demo.openlinksw.com/schemas/oraclehr/max_salary> ?p ?o }
trace_status_show() is not a Virtuoso defined procedure/function, but
rather one you would need to create to enable the output to the
trace_status() built in function to be human readable, as detailed at:
Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
On 7 Jan 2009, at 12:55, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
On Tuesday 06 January 2009 18:57:33 Hugh Williams wrote:
Hi Kjetil,
You can use the Virtuoso trace_on() function as detailed at:
Which enables detailed and controlled logging of Virtuoso server
activity to be added to the virtuoso log file including queries being
executed ...
OK, good, but I can't see what I need to enable to get a dump of
the endpoint
queries... I've set exec, sql_send and client_sql. but this is all
I see
12:45:32 EXEC_1 0 1111:21 s1111_21_0 Exec 1 time(s) trace_on
12:46:35 CSLQ_0 0 1111:21 s1111_21_0 trace_on ('sql_send')
12:46:35 EXEC_1 0 1111:21 s1111_21_0 Exec 1 time(s) trace_on
Also, the documentation mentions that there is a trace_status_show
(), but I
SQL> trace_status_show();
*** Error 42001: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]SR185: Undefined
DB.DBA.trace_status_show. at line 9 of Top-Level:
And this is all I get from
SQL> trace_status();
Done. -- 1 msec.
If I run a query on the isql command line, I get an entry in the
logs, but
that's not what I want, I need those that ran against the endpoint.
How do I do that?
Kind regards
Kjetil Kjernsmo
Senior Knowledge Engineer
Mobile: +47 986 48 234
Email: kjetil.kjern...@computas.com
Web: http://www.computas.com/
Computas AS PO Box 482, N-1327 Lysaker | Phone:+47 6783 1000 | Fax:
+47 6783