Thanks Rumi, that worked! Before, I hadn't checked "Allow SQL/ODBC Logins,"and I thought /DAV/home// was a default value for "DAV Home Path" and didn't realize what I was supposed to do with it--I guess I assumed that a home/username directory would be created based on the login ID name, and I also missed the "Create" checkbox there. I created user3:pw3 as the account with the following,

curl -i -T myfoaf.rdf http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/user3/rdf_sink/myfoaf.rdf -u user3:pw3

and got "Resource /DAV/home/user3/rdf_sink/myfoaf.rdf has been created."

Now, I'm trying to query that data. I tried this (on one line) and got an HTTP 201 ("Created") but it didn't t show me any results of the query.

curl -i -u user3:pw3 -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" -d "SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE {?s ?p ?o}" http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/user3/rdf_sink/myfoaf.rdf

When I went http://localhost:8890/sparql after logging on as user3, the query "SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE {?s ?p ?o}" only showed me predicates in the namespace and none from the myfoaf.rdf file. I tried specifying http://localhost:8890/DAV/home/user3/rdf_sink/myfoaf.rdf as the graph name to retrieve from, but then the query retrieved nothing.

I have a feeling that I'm just missing some tiny detail...



Rumi Tsekova wrote:
Hi Bob,
>Thanks Hugh!
>Any suggestions about point 2?
Here is what I performed locally on winxp installation: 1. Go to Conductor and click "Create New Account"
2. Enter account name: user11 and also enter pwd, for ex.: 1
3. Check "User Enabled" and "Allow SQL/ODBC Logins"
5. Check "Allow DAV logins"
6. Enter for "DAV Home path": /DAV/home/user11/
7. Check the "create" check-box.
8. Click "Save".
Then I've executed this (being in the folder where I have a myfoaf.rdf file): $ curl -T myfoaf.rdf http://host:port/DAV/home/user11/rdf_sink/myfoaf.rdf -u user11:1

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>201 Created</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Created</H1>Resource /DAV/home/user11/rdf_sink/myfoaf.rdf has been created.</BODY></HTML> Hope this to help. Best Regards,

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