Hello Rumi!

All works fine now,

Looking at sys_rdf_schema helps a lot.

SQL> select * from sys_rdf_schema;

http://www.univrz.com/dataspace http://www.univrz.com/dataspace/inf NULL
http://www.univrz.com:80/dataspace http://www.univrz.com/dataspace/inf NULL
virtrdf-label virtrdf-label NULL

i experimented that DB.DBA.RDFS_RULE_SET makes a new definition, but
the old one still there,
so I used procedure rdfs_rule_set (in name varchar, in gn varchar, in
remove int := 0) and it worked
better for me.

1) is there a way to tell ODS Framework to use another inference contexts?
2) if I change the [URIQA] DefaultHost on virtuoso.ini do I have to
re-create the RDF views manually? if I have,
is ODS Site Settings -> RDF Data Administration for that purpose ?

Thank you!!


2009/2/10 Rumi Tsekova <rtsek...@openlinksw.com>:
> Hi Cristian,
> Could you please check:
> 1. in virtuoso ini file what is the value of the URIQA - DefaultHost
>  * if the htttp is on port 80, then this port you must not use in the
> default host, as cname in this case is without the port.
> 2. You can check what returns this:
> sparql select count(*)
> from <http://cname/dataspace/inf>
> where { ?x rdfs:subClassOf ?z }
> i..e is there something in the graph
>  * if there is something:
>    1. execute this from ISQL:
>        DB.DBA.RDFS_RULE_SET ('http://cname/dataspace',
> http://cname/dataspace/inf');
>    2. try from ISQL this:
>        sparql define input:inference <http://cname/dataspace>
>        select count(*)
>        from <http://cname/dataspace>
>        where { ?s ?p ?o };
> Every step will show what is in the db and what not.
> Hope this to help.
> Best Regards,
> Rumi
>> Hello Rumi,
>> I uninstalled and installed ODS, but the problem persists.
>> curl -i "http://www.univrz.com/ods/api/user.search?pattern=dba"; throws
>> the same error. (-500), i made some experiments (in other instances)
>> trying to force the inference context, but it didn't work either...
>> Best regards,
>> Cristian
>> 2009/2/9 Rumi Tsekova <rtsek...@openlinksw.com>:
>>> Cristian,
>>> Here are the results of my tests against your machine:
>>> $ curl -i "http://www.univrz.com/ods/api/user.search?pattern=dba";
>>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>> Server: Virtuoso/05.09.3037 (Linux) i686-pc-linux-gnu  VDB
>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>> Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 16:44:00 GMT
>>> Accept-Ranges: bytes
>>> Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"
>>> Content-Length: 127
>>> <failed><code>-500</code><message>RDF..: Inference context
>>> http://www.univrz.com:80/dataspace does not exist</message></failed>
>>> I would say you to install ods package again.
>>> $ curl -i
>>> "http://www.univrz.com/ods/api/univrz.test.customquery?pattern=test";
>>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>> Server: Virtuoso/05.09.3037 (Linux) i686-pc-linux-gnu  VDB
>>> Connection: Keep-Alive
>>> Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 16:46:52 GMT
>>> Accept-Ranges: bytes
>>> Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"
>>> Content-Length: 87
>>> <failed><code>37000</code><message>SOH03: There is no such
>>> procedure</message></failed>
>>> As this is the same as user.search (only query different), you should
>>> execute grant on it in order we to locate the problem.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Rumi
>>>> Hello rumi,
>>>> thank you for your response, i tried some things but I still have the
>>>> inference context problem :(
>>>> I started again, using a new instance of virtuoso from scratch|.  I
>>>> installed ODS and tested some of the methods on the ODS REST
>>>> Interface, specially the ones that make use of sparql, I was happy
>>>> because they worked.
>>>> Then I started to add some custom methods, one of them used
>>>> exec_sparql(), is the following one:
>>>> create procedure ODS.ODS_API."univrz.test.customquery" (in pattern
>>>> varchar) __soap_http 'text/xml'
>>>> {
>>>>  declare q varchar;
>>>>  declare exit handler for sqlstate '*' {
>>>>  rollback work;
>>>>  return ods_serialize_sql_error (__SQL_STATE, __SQL_MESSAGE);
>>>>  };
>>>>  q := sprintf (
>>>> 'prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> '||
>>>> 'select distinct ?a ?c where {?a foaf:depiction ?c} limit 50 ',
>>>>  sioc..get_graph(), pattern);
>>>>  exec_sparql (q);
>>>>  return '';
>>>> }
>>>> ;
>>>> grant execute on ODS.ODS_API."univrz.test.customquery" to ODS_API;
>>>> (it doesnt use pattern yet).
>>>> and then when I try to execute it, (univrz.test.customquery) I get the
>>>> following error:
>>>> <failed>
>>>>  <code>-500</code>
>>>>  <message>RDF..: Inference context http://www.univrz.com:80/dataspace
>>>> does not exist</message>
>>>> </failed>
>>>> Its the same error with my other instance, my surprise began when I
>>>> looked back at the Interface methods present in
>>>> the ODS REST API, and they stopped working. (e.g.:
>>>> ODS.ODS_API."user.search"), they throw now the same -500 error as my
>>>> method.
>>>> my sys_rdf_schema shows the following:
>>>> RS_NAME            RS_URI         RS_G
>>>> _______________________________________________________________________________
>>>> http://www.univrz.com:80/dataspace
>>>> http://www.univrz.com:80/dataspace/inf
>>>> NULL
>>>> virtrdf-label      virtrdf-label       NULL
>>>> Today, I dont know what's happening,
>>>> Thank you in advance,
>>>> Cristian
>>>> 2009/2/9 Rumi Tsekova <rtsek...@openlinksw.com>:
>>>>> Hi Cristian,
>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>>  I'm developing some extensions to the ODS REST API, and i get an
>>>>>> error when i make use of the "exec_sparql (q);" procedure, present on
>>>>>> the ODS controllers. When i try to invoke it, i get the following
>>>>>> error:
>>>>>> <failed>
>>>>>>  <code>-500</code>
>>>>>>  <message>RDF..: Inference context http://www.univrz.com:80/dataspace
>>>>>> does not exist</message>
>>>>>> </failed>
>>>>> Could you please check in the sys_rdf_schema if there is record for the
>>>>> inference in question?
>>>>> i.e. : select * from sys_rdf_schema;
>>>>> If there is no, then you should
>>>>> - install ods
>>>>> - execute:
>>>>> use sioc;
>>>>> DB.DBA.TTLP (sioct_n3 (), '', get_graph() || '/inf');
>>>>> DB.DBA.RDFS_RULE_SET (get_graph (), get_graph() || '/inf');
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Rumi
>>>>>> My inference context is http://www.univrz.com/dataspace (i think - i'm
>>>>>> just starting to explore this world), when i make use of the other
>>>>>> methods, like DB.DBA.SPARQL_EVAL_TO_ARRAY i can see the results, but
>>>>>> i'm interested in using the ODS api (like the exec_sparql(q)
>>>>>> procedure) to keep consistency.
>>>>>> Some methods from the published Rest Interface, like
>>>>>> ODS.ODS_API."instance.get.id"or ODS.ODS_API."user.get" show the same
>>>>>> problem. Maybe is a configuration issue, but i dont know yet.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Cristian
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