Hi Robert,

Thanks for your detailed response.  I've been successful in loading
rdf into virtuoso and the sparql features seem to work great.  They
are publicly available at http://dbtune.org/cmn/sparql

In fact, with the help of Kingsley, Hugh, and the list, i've managed
to get dereferencable uris straight out of the sparql store using
virtuoso's url re-write tools.

So my basic goal is to follow the dbpedia-style linked data method
using the resource-data-page style.  For example,
http://dbtune.org/cmn/resource/WAGN derefs to
http://dbtune.org/cmn/data/WAGN if you accept rdf.xml.  then
http://dbtune.org/cmn/data/WAGN makes a describe sparql query to
output the appropriate rdf describing what is known about
http://dbtune.org/resource/WAGN.  All this works lovely.  Now i want
to server HTML versions for humans at http://dbtune.org/page/WAGN.  I
thought i understood using /about/html was an appropriate way to do
this.  however it would not work for me.  the best i could get was
info about xsd style sheets.

if i understood Kingsley's email, this is because the rdf returned by
http://dbtune.org/data/<> doesn't include foaf:topicOf properties.

kurt j

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Robert Jones <rjo...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
> Kurt J wrote:
>> Ah I think I understand.  So using /about/ is really not appropriate
>> for the sort-of on-demand generation of rdf that i'm doing.  in that
>> http://dbtune.org/cmn/data/<composer> redirects to a sparql query for
>> describing <composer> and there wouldn't be a foaf:primaryTopic
>> property in that result.  so to use /about/ i would want to generate
>> static rdf files (ie http://dbtune.org/cmn/data/WAGN.rdf) and host
>> them?  is this what is done on dbpedia? is there a fancy programmatic
>> way of doing this from the rdf store?
> Kurt,
> I'm not entirely sure about what you are trying to achieve so I will run
> down the typical check-list for getting /about/ to work on a simple RDF
> view.
> Assuming that you have installed a recent conductor vad, and rdf_mappers vad
> you will automatically have an administration interface (conductor) that
> will allow you create simple RDF views directly from DB tables in a few
> clicks, and the /about/ virtual directory + required rewrite/redirect rules
> courtesy of rdf_mappers.
> If the /about/ virtual directory has not been altered then it will
> automatically retrieve and display RDF data from remote or local stores,
> hence we now need to ensure that local Virtuoso returns suitable RDF.
> The simplest way to see how to create an RDF delivering endpoint is to allow
> Virtuoso to do it for you from a database table.  From the conductor go to
> "Database" then "RDF Schema Object".  Find a table that you would like from
> RDF data from and click "Generate Single Mapping".  You will be to a page
> containing a SQL script to be run, note the following:
> 1. The necessary grants (as you have seen before)
> 2. The IRI class, which will contain the URI for accessing the data
> 3. The create graph statement which details the mapping from SQL table to
> RDF.
> 4. The 4 create rewrite rules which instruct Virtuoso how to handle certain
> clients/methods for accessing the to-be-created endpoint.
> 5. the virtual directory creation (vhost_define) using the rules from 4.
> Once you hit the execute button and wait for confirmation that x number of
> RDF manipulations were done you should be able to point your web browser to
> a URL that resembles the URI from 2. above.  This should automatically
> redirect you to the /about/ service for viewing the RDF in an HTML format.
> Please let me know how this compares with what you have already achieved and
> are trying to achieve and we will see if we can overcome your current
> hurdles.
> Regards, Rob.
> --
> Software Development
> OpenLink Software

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