
OpenLink Software is pleased to announce a new release of Virtuoso,
Open-Source Edition, version 5.0.11.

This version includes:

  * Database engine
    - Added x.509 Certificate Generation & Management functions
    - Improvements to session-handling (strses) to avoid temp-files and
improve threading support
    - Added initial support for gzipped stream session
    - Added support for HTTP, socks4 and socks5 proxying with
authentication options
    - Added support for URIQA methods in http_client()
    - Added support for gunzip in http_client
    - Various fixes for FT optimization, fractions in datetime,
checkpoint-rollback and the compile/build process.

  * SPARQL and RDF
    - Added compiler extensions for SPARQL graph-level security
    - Added initial implementation of RDF graph-level security metadata
    - Added initial infrastructure for new SPARQL result serialization
    - Added support for SSG_VALMODE_SHORT_OR_LONG
    - Added support for define sparql-get:proxy for RDF mappers
    - Enhanced N3 syntax support
    - Added support for XML literals in RDF/XML, SPARQL XML resultset and
      JSON outputs
    - Enhanced speed of TTL output
    - Fixed SPARQL/SPARUL security
    - VoiD graph generation for describing Quad Store

  * Sponger Cartridges Related
    - Added U.S. Congress Web service
    - Added Del.icio.us Tag Lookup Meta Cartridge
    - Added GoodRelations and Barters for eCommerce Services
    - Added NYT Articles Lookup Meta Cartridge
    - Added OpenStreetMap Cartridge
    - Added O'Reilly Books Catalog Lookup Meta Cartridge
    - Added PowerPoint (PPTX) Cartridge
    - Added SCOT based Tag Cloud
    - Added Technocrati Lookup Meta Cartridge
    - Misc. fixes
    - Fixed GPF in rare case when using NOT FROM / NOT FROM NAMED
    - Fixed handling of class instance array
    - Fixed i18N issues with freetext search in RDF
    - Fixed i18N serialization of RDF/XML box
    - Fixed incorrect result when Accept is set to "text/rdf-n3"
    - Fixed passing retvals of variables from OPTION(), like ?SCORE ?x,
      from deeply nested subselects

  * ODS Applications
    - Added FOAF+SSL and FOAF+SSL+OpenID
    - Added Bibliographical ontology usage in ODS Graph
    - Added Calendar API and upstream commands
    - Added "One-Click" X.509 Certificate, Private Key generation plus
Browser import, and write to FOAF profile
    - Added Messaging Services
    - Added Relationships Ontology terms to ODS-AddressBook for qualifying
relationships in Social Network
    - Added Biographical Ontology terms added to Profile Page UI
    - Added Support for MS Live Contacts API
    - Additional Ubiquity commands for relationship qualification in Social
Network data spaces
    - Added Support for Portable contacts api
    - Fixed OpenID registration/auth in FOAF+SSL+OpenID implementation

For more details, see the release notes:

Other links:

Virtuoso Open Source Edition:
   * Home Page: http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/
   * Download Page:

OpenLink Data Spaces:
   * Home Page: http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/OdsIndex
   * SPARQL Usage Examples (re. SIOC, FOAF, AtomOWL, SKOS):

OpenLink AJAX Toolkit (OAT):
   * Project Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/oat
   * Live Demonstration: http://demo.openlinksw.com/oatdemo
   * Interactive SPARQL Demo: http://demo.openlinksw.com/isparql/

OpenLink Data Explorer (Firefox extension for RDF browsing):
   * Home Page: http://ode.openlinksw.com/


Tim Haynes
Product Development Consultant
OpenLink Software

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