Hi Cristian,
Can you please create a set of ODBC traces and submit them for
analysis so we can see what sequence of ODBC calls are resulting in
this error. You can enable tracing by adding the following section to
your odbc.ini file:
Trace = 1
TraceFile = /tmp/iodbc.log
DebugFile = /tmp/uda.log
Please restart your Virtuoso instance to ensure the ODBC Driver is
not loaded such that these settings will take effect when the driver
is loaded.
Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
On 1 Jun 2009, at 21:39, Cristian Vasquez wrote:
I have a problem using the Snapshot Replication feature of conductor.
I'm using it to schedule a database replication between two
virtuoso(V6) instances, where the source instance is connected to a
MySQL database using the MySQL adapter and having tables from MySQL
When I do a Basic Snapshot Replication, the process does the
replication most of the tables I've selected, but it throws an
error[1] on some of them.
37000 VD052: Remote DSN PVI: [OpenLink][ODBC][MySQL Server]#42000 You
have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(255),
`doc_type` varchar(64), `doc_name` varchar(128), `emit_date` varcha'
at line 1 (1064)
The MySQL version installed is 5.0.77
Please advice.
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