Hi All, I want to insert a local rdf into the store thru an odbc connection. Is this doable?
If i put the file in the ./vsp dir, i get this: In [29]: con = pyodbc.connect('DSN=SysVirt;UID=dba;PWD=dba;HOST=localhost:1112') In [30]: con.execute('''sparql load <file://cmn2.rdf> into <http://test.cmn.graph>''') --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/kurtjx/Documents/workspace/myspace-serv/src/<ipython console> in <module>() Error: ('39000', "[39000] [OpenLink][Virtuoso iODBC Driver][Virtuoso Server]FA005: Can't open file '/test-virtuoso/vsp/D5=17eaf0b98fe28b8448405cdb159b7b58&graphMD5=fa0c30ab328817713407d402b927a311', error 2 (-1) (SQLExecDirectW)") also note that i first tried: >> con.execute('''sparql load <cmn2.rdf> into <http://test.cmn.graph>''') (no 'file://') and this crashed virtuoso 5.11 w/ a segfault. just fyi. thanks, Kurt J