Hello, I'm following the http://ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/ODS/ODSPkiSetup guide to set up of an X.509 certificate issuer and HTTPS listener.
I go through steps 1,2,3 and 4. but I cant go beyond step 5. 'Edit the new listener, and generate new key' where I'm facing an error after I press the save button: SR197: Non unique primary key on DB.DBA.HTTP_PATH. Information: If I execute a query After step 3: 'Enter the Issuer details and click generate.' I get the following feedback: SELECT HP_HOST, HP_LISTEN_HOST, HP_LPATH, HP_PPATH FROM DB.DBA.HTTP_PATH where HP_LISTEN_HOST = ':4433'; Returns 0 Rows. If I execute a query After Step 4: 'Go to Conductor -> Web Application Server -> Virtual Domains & Directories, and add a new listener.' I get the following feedback: select HP_HOST, HP_LISTEN_HOST, HP_LPATH, HP_PPATH FROM DB.DBA.HTTP_PATH where HP_LISTEN_HOST = ':4433' localhost :4433 / / Returns 1 Row I can't execute Step 5 or 6. This is an Virtuoso 5, Thank you in advance, Cristian