I wouldn't have posted it here, if we wouldn't have checked some things before. So a normal from with post data comes through. We also looked at php info (see [1] ) and didn't find anything unusual.
The Javascript code collecting & submitting can be found here [2] line 84.
The login is then executed in [3] line 74.
We also thought that it might be a problem with Zend, because the post data is fetched via:
$post    = $this->_request->getPost();
but then a print_r($_REQUEST); was also empty, maybe Zend has overwritten it.
Are there any experiences with Virtuoso and Zend? Has it been tested?

Here [4] are the installation options I used for Virtuoso, iODBC and PHP5. You can see also the versions I used.

Is there a possibility to tell the virtuoso server to extensively log everthing it does, like all the request and response headers it receives? Another problem could be the rewrite rules, but I checked them quite often, and didn't find anything I could do better:
Originally the rule was like that in .htaccess:
RewriteRule !(extensions|application|libraries).*\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|php|swf)$ index.php Since there was no negation I used the ones in [4] also rewriting OntoWiki to the pysical path /vad/vsp/ontowiki. What I found really confusing was the normal/last/first matching part. I first put them to normal, thinking that it means the first(top) rule will be executed first, if matching, but rather it is the bottom one. I was looking at [5] and there was no hint about it, so I figured it out with Trial and Error.

Thank you and kind regards,
Sebatian Hellmann, AKSW

[1] http://db0.aksw.org/info.html
[2] http://code.google.com/p/ontowiki/source/browse/trunk/ontowiki/src/extensions/themes/silverblue/scripts/main.js [3] http://code.google.com/p/ontowiki/source/browse/trunk/ontowiki/src/application/controllers/ApplicationController.php
[4] http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann/VAD
[5] http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtDeployingLinkedDataGuide_UsingVirtuoso#AncmozTocId132652

Tim Haynes schrieb:
Sebastian Hellmann wrote:
I succeded in producing the vad file.
We have a very strange problem with it.
The data from the login form is collected by javascript and submitted as a post request.
Firebug shows that the post is completely valid, see below for details.
The problem is that the data never arrives at the receiving php side, i.e. $_POST is empty.

Interesting. I can assure you that empty $_POST is not a normal problem, having just set up a test here with a dummy form for the purpose. So presumably it's something more local to your environment. What versions of components (php, virtuoso) are you using?

I'll grab the VAD and have a poke around tomorrow.



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