Hi all,

In order to debug my last issue I decided to log into the isql console and turn 

There were no messages at all that seemed to be relevant to the last error but 
there was a strange message related to something else. The following message is 
the bug

08:57:27 COMP_2 SPARQL Internal Compile text:  sparql define 
sql:log-enable 2 INSERT  INTO GRAPH <http://mygraph.com/Graph>  { 
<http://mygraph.com/statistics:12345678> <http://mygraph.com/read> 
"30000"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> .
08:57:27 ERRS_0 42001 XPQ?? Magnitude is too big (30000) to be packed into int

Maybe it is non-consequential to the functioning of the program but int is 
supposed to be able to handle a range as follows:[1]

"int is ·derived· from long by setting the value of ·maxInclusive· to be 
2147483647 and ·minInclusive· to be -2147483648. The ·base type· of int is 

Having debug messages come out because someone tries to put in 30000 doesn't 
seem to match the definition of the datatype but it might not be a real bug.



[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#int

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