Dhaval Thakker wrote:
We are evaluating virtuoso and would like to see if the owl:inverseOf
is supported in the open source edition.
I tried the following ontology and data:
Person isa Class
A isa Person
B isa Person
hasFather is a property
fatherOf is a property
hasFather and fatherOf are inverse
A hasFather B
and did the routine loading/inference linkage (rdfs_rule_set) etc.
when I do sparql query, it doent give do inference when asked:
B fatherOf ?x.
shall we conclude that there is no direct/indirect support for inverse
Yes, we support:
owl:sameAs, owl:equivalentClass, owl:equivalentProperty,
rdfs:subClassOf, rdfs:subPropertyOf .
Inference rules details:
1. http://docs.openlinksw.com:80/virtuoso/rdfsparqlrule.html
any hints?
Dhaval Thakker
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