HI Pierre-Yves,
With the help of Ivan Mikhailov I have been able to move forward in the
build but I now face another error available in [1]. The complete build
log is in [2].
Has anyone seen this before ?
Something that surprises me is the:
Inexistent file resource (./vad/data/demo/docsrc/Makefile) error,
because I could not find the vad/data/demo folder in the sources (the
closest by name is the ./binsrc/samples/demo/vad/data/doc/).
(ls -R is available at [3])
Is this normal ?
The binsrc/samples/demo/vad/data/demo directory will be assembled from
the make_demo.sh script.
I checked your output files and the problem is using the gmake -j3. The
VOS 6 tp1 code cannot handle this option for building the demo directoy.
I will see if i can fix this somehow, but in the mean time, just use
gmake and i am confident your compilation will proceed.