I am having trouble getting correct RDF kind (i.e. Literal/IRI/BNODE) through the jdbc3 connection.
In my application through jdbc I query:
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
<http://www.kb.nl/geo/234836083> skos:prefLabel ?value.
FILTER isLiteral(?value).
I expected and tested the value of "value"

The return type of VirtuosoResultSet rs.getObject("value")
is VirtuosoExtendedString and vs.iriType == VirtuosoExtendedString.IRI
(I checked the RDF content by adding a filter FILTER isLiteral(?value) which checked ok.)

I am using the latest virtjdbc3.jar from ftp (3.38) and (not the latest) virtuoso-t: 5.0.12-rc8.3040-pthreads. In an earlier email someone mentioned that a URI was recognised as Literal, but my problem is the other way around. Is this issue known or should I construct a simple test case? Is there a work around, should I use another way of connecting to Virtuoso?


Lourens van der Meij

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