Hi Martin,

If you downloaded the source archive from sourceforge then presumably you 
compiled the software first and then installed, thus I assume there may have 
been an issue with the compilation process which has built a bad vad ?

Can you please confirm the actual Virtuoso binary version string by running the 
following command from the install_dir/bin directory:

        ./virtuoso-t -?

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

On 7 Sep 2010, at 15:30, Martin Vanbrabant wrote:

> Hi Hugh,
> Thanks for your quick support!
> The pre-built demo.dav.vad package from your download link worked immediately.
> We did not however do anything special to build ours.
> In fact we just installed the debian package available in the debian 
> directory of the virtuoso-opensource-6.1.2 archive (dated July 9).
> Demo.vad was part of the result.
> Can you give us an advice on how to proceed?
> We are novice users of virtuoso, and now that this 'easy' exercise failed, 
> we're doubting a bit on the quality of our installation from the archive...
> Martin.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hugh Williams [mailto:hwilli...@openlinksw.com] 
> Sent: dinsdag 7 september 2010 14:17
> To: Martin Vanbrabant
> Cc: virtuoso-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Virtuoso-users] Issues installing package 'Demo' with virtuoso 
> 06.01.3127 on debian
> Hi Martin,
> I presume then you compiled the demo_dav.vad package yourself ? From an empty 
> database can you please try installing the pre-built demo.dav.vad package 
> available from:
> http://s3.amazonaws.com/opldownload/uda/vad-packages/6.1/virtuoso/demo_dav.vad
> Your version seems rather old as build I have is 1.107.66/ 2010-07-10 , which 
> should also be the version installed from the above link, and I expect would 
> be the version compiled from the archive you downloaded ?
> Best Regards
> Hugh Williams
> Professional Services
> OpenLink Software
> Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
> Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
> Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink
> On 7 Sep 2010, at 11:19, Martin Vanbrabant wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have installed the debian package from the virtuoso download 
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtuoso/files/virtuoso/6.1.2/virtuoso-opensource-6.1.2.tar.gz/download
>>  (Version: 06.01.3127) on debian (lenny), on a machine where virtuoso was 
>> not installed earlier.
>> We have issues installing package 'Demo' (1.107.34) from 
>> http://localhost:8890, Conductor, tab System Admin / Packages.
>> After trying to install the package, this page is shown in the end:
>> -----
>> 00000 Errors detected
>> 00000 Installation of "Demo Database" was unsuccessful.
>>     The installation of this VAD package has failed.
>>     Please delete the transaction file /var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.trx
>>     and then restart your database server.
>>     Note: Your database will be in its pre VAD installation state after you 
>> restart.
>> 00000 FATAL 
>> -----
>> Looking in virtuoso.log, these lines were added:
>> ---
>> 16:44:47 Checkpoint started
>> 16:44:47 Checkpoint finished, log reused
>> 16:48:36 PL LOG: No WHENEVER statement provided for SQLCODE 100
>> while executing the following statement:
>> --no_c_escapes-
>> in file:
>> /DAV/Thalia/thalia_sql_to_rdf_views_generation.
>> 16:48:37 PL LOG: Errors where detected during installation of "Demo 
>> Database".
>> 16:48:37 PL LOG: The installation of this VAD package has failed.
>> 16:48:37 PL LOG: Please delete the transaction file
>> 16:48:37 PL LOG: /var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.trx
>> 16:48:37 PL LOG: and then restart your database server.
>> 16:48:37 PL LOG: Note: Your database will be in its pre VAD installation
>> 16:48:37 PL LOG: state after you restart.
>> 16:48:40 Server shutdown complete 
>> -----
>> Our installation is really "out of the box". This is our virtuoso.ini file:
>> -----
>> ;
>> ;  Database setup
>> ;
>> [Database]
>> DatabaseFile                    = virtuoso.db
>> ErrorLogFile                    = virtuoso.log
>> LockFile                        = virtuoso.lck
>> TransactionFile                 = virtuoso.trx
>> xa_persistent_file              = virtuoso.pxa
>> ErrorLogLevel                   = 7
>> FileExtend                      = 200
>> MaxCheckpointRemap              = 2000
>> Striping                        = 0
>> TempStorage                     = TempDatabase
>> [TempDatabase]
>> DatabaseFile                    = virtuoso-temp.db
>> TransactionFile                 = virtuoso-temp.trx
>> MaxCheckpointRemap              = 2000
>> Striping                        = 0
>> ;
>> ;  Server parameters
>> ;
>> [Parameters]
>> ServerPort                      = 1111
>> LiteMode                        = 0
>> DisableUnixSocket               = 1
>> DisableTcpSocket                = 0
>> ;SSLServerPort                  = 2111
>> ;SSLCertificate                 = cert.pem
>> ;SSLPrivateKey                  = pk.pem
>> ;X509ClientVerify               = 0
>> ;X509ClientVerifyDepth          = 0
>> ;X509ClientVerifyCAFile         = ca.pem
>> ServerThreads                   = 20
>> CheckpointInterval              = 60
>> O_DIRECT                        = 0
>> NumberOfBuffers                 = 2000
>> MaxDirtyBuffers                 = 1200
>> CaseMode                        = 2
>> MaxStaticCursorRows             = 5000
>> CheckpointAuditTrail            = 0
>> AllowOSCalls                    = 0
>> SchedulerInterval               = 10
>> DirsAllowed                     = ., /usr/share/virtuoso/vad
>> ThreadCleanupInterval           = 0
>> ThreadThreshold                 = 10
>> ResourcesCleanupInterval        = 0
>> FreeTextBatchSize               = 100000
>> SingleCPU                       = 0
>> VADInstallDir                   = /usr/share/virtuoso/vad/
>> PrefixResultNames               = 0
>> RdfFreeTextRulesSize            = 100
>> IndexTreeMaps                   = 256
>> [HTTPServer]
>> ServerPort                      = 8890
>> ServerRoot                      = /var/lib/virtuoso/vsp
>> ServerThreads                   = 20
>> DavRoot                         = DAV
>> EnabledDavVSP                   = 0
>> HTTPProxyEnabled                = 0
>> TempASPXDir                     = 0
>> DefaultMailServer               = localhost:25
>> ServerThreads                   = 10
>> MaxKeepAlives                   = 10
>> KeepAliveTimeout                = 10
>> MaxCachedProxyConnections       = 10
>> ProxyConnectionCacheTimeout     = 15
>> HTTPThreadSize                  = 280000
>> HttpPrintWarningsInOutput       = 0
>> Charset                         = UTF-8
>> [AutoRepair]
>> BadParentLinks                  = 0
>> [Client]
>> SQL_PREFETCH_ROWS               = 100
>> SQL_PREFETCH_BYTES              = 16000
>> SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT               = 0
>> SQL_TXN_TIMEOUT                 = 0
>> ;SQL_NO_CHAR_C_ESCAPE           = 1
>> ;SQL_UTF8_EXECS                 = 0
>> ;SQL_NO_SYSTEM_TABLES           = 0
>> ;SQL_BINARY_TIMESTAMP           = 1
>> [VDB]
>> ArrayOptimization               = 0
>> NumArrayParameters              = 10
>> VDBDisconnectTimeout            = 1000
>> KeepConnectionOnFixedThread     = 0
>> [Replication]
>> ServerName                      = db-LISA
>> ServerEnable                    = 1
>> QueueMax                        = 50000
>> ;
>> ;  Striping setup
>> ;
>> ;  These parameters have only effect when Striping is set to 1 in the
>> ;  [Database] section, in which case the DatabaseFile parameter is ignored.
>> ;
>> ;  With striping, the database is spawned across multiple segments
>> ;  where each segment can have multiple stripes.
>> ;
>> ;  Format of the lines below:
>> ;    Segment<number> = <size>, <stripe file name> [, <stripe file name> .. ]
>> ;
>> ;  <number> must be ordered from 1 up.
>> ;
>> ;  The <size> is the total size of the segment which is equally divided
>> ;  across all stripes forming  the segment. Its specification can be in
>> ;  gigabytes (g), megabytes (m), kilobytes (k) or in database blocks
>> ;  (b, the default)
>> ;
>> ;  Note that the segment size must be a multiple of the database page size
>> ;  which is currently 8k. Also, the segment size must be divisible by the
>> ;  number of stripe files forming  the segment.
>> ;
>> ;  The example below creates a 200 meg database striped on two segments
>> ;  with two stripes of 50 meg and one of 100 meg.
>> ;
>> ;  You can always add more segments to the configuration, but once
>> ;  added, do not change the setup.
>> ;
>> [Striping]
>> Segment1                        = 100M, db-seg1-1.db, db-seg1-2.db
>> Segment2                        = 100M, db-seg2-1.db
>> ;...
>> ;[TempStriping]
>> ;Segment1                       = 100M, db-seg1-1.db, db-seg1-2.db
>> ;Segment2                       = 100M, db-seg2-1.db
>> ;...
>> ;[Ucms]
>> ;UcmPath                        = <path>
>> ;Ucm1                           = <file>
>> ;Ucm2                           = <file>
>> ;...
>> [Zero Config]
>> ServerName                      = virtuoso (LISA)
>> ;ServerDSN                      = ZDSN
>> ;SSLServerName                  =
>> ;SSLServerDSN                   =
>> [Mono]
>> ;MONO_TRACE                     = Off
>> ;MONO_PATH                      = <path_here>
>> ;MONO_ROOT                      = <path_here>
>> ;MONO_CFG_DIR                   = <path_here>
>> ;virtclr.dll                    =
>> [URIQA]
>> DynamicLocal                    = 1
>> DefaultHost                     = localhost:8890
>> ;ExternalQuerySource            = 1
>> ;ExternalXsltSource             = 1
>> ;DefaultGraph                   = http://localhost:8890/dataspace
>> ;ImmutableGraphs                = http://localhost:8890/dataspace
>> ResultSetMaxRows                = 10000
>> MaxQueryCostEstimationTime      = 400   ; in seconds
>> MaxQueryExecutionTime           = 60    ; in seconds
>> DefaultQuery                    = select distinct ?Concept where {[] a 
>> ?Concept}
>> DeferInferenceRulesInit         = 0  ; controls inference rules loading
>> ;PingService                    = http://rpc.pingthesemanticweb.com/
>> [Plugins]
>> LoadPath                        = /usr/lib/virtuoso/hosting
>> Load1                           = plain, wikiv
>> Load2                           = plain, mediawiki
>> Load3                           = plain, creolewiki
>> ;Load4                  = plain, im
>> ;Load5          = plain, wbxml2
>> ;Load6                  = plain, hslookup
>> ;Load7                  = attach, libphp5.so
>> ;Load8                  = Hosting, hosting_php.so
>> ;Load9                  = Hosting,hosting_perl.so
>> ;Load10         = Hosting,hosting_python.so
>> ;Load11         = Hosting,hosting_ruby.so
>> ;Load12                         = msdtc,msdtc_sample
>> -----
>> Another (minor) issue occurs for the package 'doc' (1.1.18): after the 
>> packages was installed, the link to "Local Offline" in 
>> http://localhost:8890/doc/html/, pointing to 
>> http://localhost:8890/doc/pdf/virtdocs.pdf is not working (The requested URL 
>> was not found    URI  = '/doc/pdf/virtdocs.pdf').
>> Not a major, but perhaps a symptom that can help solve the issue above.
>> Can anyone help me?
>> Kind regards,
>> MartinV.
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> This SF.net Dev2Dev email is sponsored by:
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> Enter the Intel(R) Threading Challenge 2010.
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> Virtuoso-users mailing list
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> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/virtuoso-users
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