Hi Hugh,

I'm running Virtuoso Version: 06.01.3127, Build: Jul 9 2010 on Windows XP Professional, version 2002, Service Pack 3

I tried two approaches for dumping the rdf data:
1. dump_one_graph(<graph_iri>,<outfile>,<size)
approx. 30MB of rdf data were dumped before a window opens saying that an assertion failed:
Program: [virtuoso-home]/bin/virtuoso-t.ext
File: [virtuoso-home]/bin/isctype.c
Line: 56
Expression: (unsigned)(c+1) <= 256

Clicking 'retry', 'ignore' and 'abort' all lead to a server crash. in the isql window, this message is shown:

*** Error 08S01: [OpenLink][Virtuoso ODBC Driver]CL065: Lost connection to server
at line 1 of Top-Level:

After that, the server is dead and needs to be restarted. I'm not aware of a core dump file.

virtuoso.ini and virtuoso.log files are attached.

I don't know how I query for the number of triples in a graph, so that piece of information is missing for now.


On 11.9.2010 02:01, Hugh Williams wrote:
Hi Florian,

How many triples are loaded into the Virtuoso database you are attempting to 
dump the contents of ? Can you please provide a copy of the virtuoso.ini and 
virtuoso.log files for analysis. When you say the server crashes is a core file 
created also ?

What is the version number of your virtuoso installation , run the command 
virtuoso-t -? to determine the version or the conductor reports this is the 
left hand frame ?

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

On 10 Sep 2010, at 15:40, Florian Kleedorfer wrote:

Hi Hugh,

The query runs without a problem now, and I don't know why.
Here's what I have done since my last mail:
* Trying to create an rdf dump as described in 
http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfperformancetuning.html, 16.11.4 and 
16.11.5, caused the server to crash several times (I was hoping to export the 
rdf data sponged by virtuoso and import it into a native sesame repository, and 
continue with that)
* I ran the query I sent you before from the conductor's sparql panel, 
prepending this line (found in 16.11.6):

define sql:select-option "order, loop"

and now it works, even if I leave that line out.

here's the output of the explain() function.

Query result:
END Node

After test:
  0: if (<constant (0)>  1(=)<constant (1)>) then 9 else 4 unkn 9
  4: if (<constant (0)>  1(=)<constant (1)>) then 9 else 8 unkn 9
  8: BReturn 1
  9: BReturn 0

  0: $26 "callret" := Call min_bnode_iri_id ()
  5: $27 "callret" := Call DB.DBA.RDF_OBJ_OF_SQLVAL (<constant (1)>)
  12: BReturn 0
from DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD by RDF_QUAD_POGS 0.26 rows
Key RDF_QUAD_POGS ASC ($30 "t2.S", $29 "t2.O")
  inlined<col=551 P =<constant (#i3600002)>>
row specs:<col=549 G =<constant (#i1053096)>>
  Local Test
  0: if (<constant (0)>  1(=)<constant (1)>) then 5 else 4 unkn 5
  4: BReturn 1
  5: BReturn 0

from DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD by RDF_QUAD_POGS 2.5 rows
Key RDF_QUAD_POGS ASC ($35 "t3.G", $34 "t3.S")
<col=551 P =<constant (#i1)>>  ,<col=552 O = $30 "t2.S">

Key RDF_QUAD_POGS ASC ($40 "t1.O", $39 "t1.S")
<col=551 P =<constant (#i1053097)>>  ,<col=552 O = $27 "callret">  ,<col=549 G =<constant 
(#i1053096)>>  ,<col=550 S = $35 "t3.G">
row specs:<col=550 S<  $26 "callret">
  Local Test
  0: $43 "callret" := Call isiri_id ($40 "t1.O")
  5: $44 "temp" := artm<constant (1)>  - $43 "callret"
  9: if (<constant (0)>  1(=) $44 "temp") then 14 else 13 unkn 14
  13: BReturn 1
  14: BReturn 0

  0: $45 "ind" := Call __id2i ($34 "t3.S")
  5: $46 "ctx" := Call __ro2sq ($29 "t2.O")
  10: $47 "type" := Call __id2i ($30 "t2.S")
  15: $48 "g1" := Call __id2i ($39 "t1.S")
  20: BReturn 0
  local save: ($61 "set_ctr", $70 "set_no_save")
cluster outer seq start, set no $61 "set_ctr"
save ctx:()
from DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD by RDF_QUAD_SP 3.2 rows
Key RDF_QUAD_SP ASC ($50 "t5.P")
  inlined<col=550 S = $34 "t3.S">

from DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD by RDF_QUAD 1.6 rows
Key RDF_QUAD ASC ($54 "t5.O")
  inlined<col=551 P = $50 "t5.P">  ,<col=550 S = $34 "t3.S">
row specs:<col=549 G = $39 "t1.S">  ,<col=549 G = $35 "t3.G">

After test:
  0: $57 "callret" := Call __ro2sq ($54 "t5.O")
  5: $58 "callret" := Call DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE_OF_OBJ ($57 "callret")
  12: $59 "callret" := Call DB.DBA.RDF_LANGMATCHES ($58 "callret",<constant 
  19: if (<constant (0)>  1(=) $59 "callret") then 24 else 23 unkn 24
  23: BReturn 1
  24: BReturn 0
end of outer seq $61 "set_ctr"
  out: ($50 "t5.P", $59 "callret", $58 "callret", $54 "t5.O", $57 "callret")

After code:
  0: $71 "correctLangProp" := Call __id2i ($50 "t5.P")
  5: $72 "correctLangVal" := Call __ro2sq ($54 "t5.O")
  10: BReturn 0
Select (TOP<constant (10)>) ($48 "g1", $47 "type", $46 "ctx", $45 "ind", $71 "correctLangProp", $72 "correctLangVal",<$56 "<DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD t5>" spec 5>,<$52 
"<DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD t5>" spec 5>,<$41 "<DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD t1>" spec 4>,<$37 "<DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD t3>" spec 5>,<$32 "<DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD t2>" spec 5>)
No. of rows in result: 74

On 10.9.2010 15:35, Hugh Williams wrote:
Hi Florian,

Can you please provide the compilation and query execution plan for this query 
using the Virtuoso explain() function as detailed at:


Note you will need to run this function from the Virtuoso "isql" command line program or the 
"Interactive SQL" interface  of the conductor (not the sparql one) remembering to prepend your 
query with the "sparql ..." keyword specifier.

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

On 10 Sep 2010, at 13:13, Florian Kleedorfer wrote:


I'm having problems with a SPARQL query I need to run on virtuoso.  The sparql 
engine returns this error message (with a simplified version of my query):

37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: Internal error: The SPARQL optimizer has 
failed to process the query with reasonable quality. The resulting SQL query is 
abnormally long. Please paraphrase the SPARQL query.

SPARQL query:
PREFIX common:
PREFIX config:
select *
FROM config:
where {
   ?g1 common:useGraph "true"^^xsd:boolean
   . ?type common:resultForContext ?ctx
   . GRAPH ?g1 {
     ?ind a ?type
     . OPTIONAL {
        ?ind ?correctLangProp ?correctLangVal
        . filter(langMatches(lang(?correctLangVal),"en"))
} limit 10

The idea is to have a named graph (config: in this query) that contains the 
names of graphs which in turn contain the data I want to work on. This works 
fine unless I use optional graph patterns to select from a graph IRI found in 
the config: graph (?g1 in this query). I tried different reformulations of the 
query, but I had no luck.

Any ideas, anyone? - Thanks!


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Virtuoso-users mailing list

;  virtuoso.ini
;  Configuration file for the OpenLink Virtuoso VDBMS Server
;  To learn more about this product, or any other product in our
;  portfolio, please check out our web site at:
;      http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/
;  or contact us at:
;      general.informat...@openlinksw.com
;  If you have any technical questions, please contact our support
;  staff at:
;      technical.supp...@openlinksw.com

;  Database setup
DatabaseFile                    = virtuoso.db
ErrorLogFile                    = virtuoso.log
LockFile                        = virtuoso.lck
TransactionFile                 = virtuoso.trx
xa_persistent_file              = virtuoso.pxa
ErrorLogLevel                   = 7
FileExtend                      = 200
MaxCheckpointRemap              = 2000
Striping                        = 0
TempStorage                     = TempDatabase

DatabaseFile                    = virtuoso-temp.db
TransactionFile                 = virtuoso-temp.trx
MaxCheckpointRemap              = 2000
Striping                        = 0

;  Server parameters
ServerPort                      = 1111
LiteMode                        = 0
DisableUnixSocket               = 1
DisableTcpSocket                = 0
;SSLServerPort                  = 2111
;SSLCertificate                 = cert.pem
;SSLPrivateKey                  = pk.pem
;X509ClientVerify               = 0
;X509ClientVerifyDepth          = 0
;X509ClientVerifyCAFile         = ca.pem
ServerThreads                   = 20
CheckpointInterval              = 60
O_DIRECT                        = 0
NumberOfBuffers                 = 2000
MaxDirtyBuffers                 = 1200
CaseMode                        = 2
MaxStaticCursorRows             = 5000
CheckpointAuditTrail            = 0
AllowOSCalls                    = 0
SchedulerInterval               = 10
DirsAllowed                     = ., ../vad, C:\Programme\linkeddata
ThreadCleanupInterval           = 0
ThreadThreshold                 = 10
ResourcesCleanupInterval        = 0
FreeTextBatchSize               = 100000
SingleCPU                       = 0
VADInstallDir                   = ../vad/
PrefixResultNames               = 0
RdfFreeTextRulesSize            = 100
IndexTreeMaps                   = 256

ServerPort                      = 8890
ServerRoot                      = ../vsp
ServerThreads                   = 20
DavRoot                         = DAV
EnabledDavVSP                   = 0
HTTPProxyEnabled                = 0
TempASPXDir                     = 0
DefaultMailServer               = localhost:25
ServerThreads                   = 10
MaxKeepAlives                   = 10
KeepAliveTimeout                = 10
MaxCachedProxyConnections       = 10
ProxyConnectionCacheTimeout     = 15
HTTPThreadSize                  = 280000
HttpPrintWarningsInOutput       = 0
Charset                         = UTF-8

BadParentLinks                  = 0

SQL_PREFETCH_ROWS               = 100
SQL_PREFETCH_BYTES              = 16000
SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT               = 0
SQL_TXN_TIMEOUT                 = 0
;SQL_NO_CHAR_C_ESCAPE           = 1
;SQL_UTF8_EXECS                 = 0
;SQL_NO_SYSTEM_TABLES           = 0

ArrayOptimization               = 0
NumArrayParameters              = 10
VDBDisconnectTimeout            = 1000
KeepConnectionOnFixedThread     = 0

ServerName                      = db-VOS-WIN
ServerEnable                    = 1
QueueMax                        = 50000

;  Striping setup
;  These parameters have only effect when Striping is set to 1 in the
;  [Database] section, in which case the DatabaseFile parameter is ignored.
;  With striping, the database is spawned across multiple segments
;  where each segment can have multiple stripes.
;  Format of the lines below:
;    Segment<number> = <size>, <stripe file name> [, <stripe file name> .. ]
;  <number> must be ordered from 1 up.
;  The <size> is the total size of the segment which is equally divided
;  across all stripes forming  the segment. Its specification can be in
;  gigabytes (g), megabytes (m), kilobytes (k) or in database blocks
;  (b, the default)
;  Note that the segment size must be a multiple of the database page size
;  which is currently 8k. Also, the segment size must be divisible by the
;  number of stripe files forming  the segment.
;  The example below creates a 200 meg database striped on two segments
;  with two stripes of 50 meg and one of 100 meg.
;  You can always add more segments to the configuration, but once
;  added, do not change the setup.
Segment1                        = 100M, db-seg1-1.db, db-seg1-2.db
Segment2                        = 100M, db-seg2-1.db

;Segment1                       = 100M, db-seg1-1.db, db-seg1-2.db
;Segment2                       = 100M, db-seg2-1.db

;UcmPath                        = <path>
;Ucm1                           = <file>
;Ucm2                           = <file>

[Zero Config]
ServerName                      = virtuoso (VOS-WIN)
;ServerDSN                      = ZDSN
;SSLServerName                  = 
;SSLServerDSN                   = 

;MONO_TRACE                     = Off
;MONO_PATH                      = <path_here>
;MONO_ROOT                      = <path_here>
;MONO_CFG_DIR                   = <path_here>
;virtclr.dll                    =

DynamicLocal                    = 1
DefaultHost                     = localhost:8890

;ExternalQuerySource            = 1
;ExternalXsltSource             = 1
;DefaultGraph                   = http://localhost:8890/dataspace
;ImmutableGraphs                = http://localhost:8890/dataspace
ResultSetMaxRows                = 10000
MaxQueryCostEstimationTime      = 400   ; in seconds
MaxQueryExecutionTime           = 60    ; in seconds
DefaultQuery                    = select distinct ?Concept where {[] a ?Concept}
DeferInferenceRulesInit         = 0  ; controls inference rules loading
;PingService                    = http://rpc.pingthesemanticweb.com/

LoadPath                        = ../hosting
Load1                           = plain, wikiv
Load2                           = plain, mediawiki
Load3                           = plain, creolewiki
Load4                   = plain, im
Load5           = plain, wbxml2
;Load6                  = plain, hslookup
;Load7                  = attach, libphp5.dll
;Load8                  = Hosting, hosting_php.dll
;Load9                  = Hosting,hosting_perl.dll
;Load10         = Hosting,hosting_python.dll
;Load11         = Hosting,hosting_ruby.dll
;Load12                         = msdtc,msdtc_sample
                Tue Sep 07 2010
10:28:56 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
10:28:56   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
10:28:56   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
10:28:56   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
10:28:56 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
10:28:57   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
10:28:57   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
10:28:57   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
10:28:57 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
10:28:57   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
10:28:57   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
10:28:57   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
10:28:57 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
10:28:57   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
10:28:57   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
10:28:57   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
10:28:57 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
10:28:57   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
10:28:57   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
10:28:57   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
10:28:57 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
10:28:57 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
10:28:57 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
10:28:57 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
10:28:58 Compiler unit is timed at 0.002104 msec
10:29:03 Checkpoint started
10:29:03 Roll forward started
10:29:03 Roll forward complete
10:29:03 Checkpoint started
10:29:03 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:29:04 Checkpoint started
10:29:05 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:29:05 Checkpoint started
10:29:05 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:29:05 PL LOG: Installing Virtuoso Conductor version 1.00.7817 (DAV)
10:29:05 Checkpoint started
10:29:05 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:29:07 Checkpoint started
10:29:07 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:29:08 Checkpoint started
10:29:08 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:29:08 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
10:29:08 Server online at 1111 (pid 5332)
10:29:28 Initiating normal shutdown
10:29:28 Checkpoint started
10:29:29 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:29:29 Server shutdown complete

                Tue Sep 07 2010
10:29:43 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
10:29:43   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
10:29:43   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
10:29:43   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
10:29:43 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
10:29:43   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
10:29:43   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
10:29:43   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
10:29:43 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
10:29:43   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
10:29:43   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
10:29:43   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
10:29:43 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
10:29:43   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
10:29:43   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
10:29:43   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
10:29:43 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
10:29:43   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
10:29:43   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
10:29:43   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
10:29:43 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
10:29:43 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
10:29:43 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
10:29:43 Database version 3126
10:29:43 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
10:29:44 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000527 msec
10:29:45 Roll forward started
10:29:45 Roll forward complete
10:29:46 Checkpoint started
10:29:46 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:29:46 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
10:29:46 Server online at 1111 (pid 4628)
10:43:07 PL LOG: Installing SPARQL Demo version 1.4.69/2010-07-09 19:56 (DAV)
10:43:07 Checkpoint started
10:43:08 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:43:13 Checkpoint started
10:43:14 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:43:14 PL LOG: Installing RDF Mappers version 1.20.23/2010-07-09 19:45 (DAV)
10:43:14 Checkpoint started
10:43:14 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:43:43 Checkpoint started
10:43:46 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:02:54 PL LOG: Installing Virtuoso Documentation version 1.1.18/2010-07-09 
19:53 (DAV)
11:02:54 Checkpoint started
11:02:54 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:03:03 Failed to get a buffer for a new page. Retrying.  If the failure 
repeats, an out of disk error will be signalled.  The cause of this is having 
too many buffers wired down for preread, flush or group by/hash join temp 
space.  To correct, increase the number of buffers in the configuration file.  
If this repeats in spite of having hundreds of thousands  of buffers, please 
report to support.
11:03:04 Failed to get a buffer for a new page. Retrying.  If the failure 
repeats, an out of disk error will be signalled.  The cause of this is having 
too many buffers wired down for preread, flush or group by/hash join temp 
space.  To correct, increase the number of buffers in the configuration file.  
If this repeats in spite of having hundreds of thousands  of buffers, please 
report to support.
11:03:28 Checkpoint started
11:03:29 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:03:29 PL LOG: Installing Virtuoso Developer Tutorial version 
1.00.6853/2010-07-09 19:49 (DAV)
11:03:29 Checkpoint started
11:03:29 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:03:47 Checkpoint started
11:03:49 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:05:54 PL LOG: Installing ODS Framework version 1.73.23/2010-07-09 19:58 (DAV)
11:05:54 Checkpoint started
11:05:54 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:06:10 Checkpoint started
11:06:11 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:06:11 Checkpoint started
11:06:12 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:06:15 Checkpoint started
11:06:15 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:06:33 PL LOG: Installing Demo Database version 1.107.34/2010-07-09 19:54 
11:06:33 Checkpoint started
11:06:33 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:11:31 Checkpoint started
11:11:33 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:29:48 Checkpoint started
11:29:48 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:45:55 Initiating normal shutdown
11:45:55 Checkpoint started
11:45:55 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:45:55 Server shutdown complete

                Tue Sep 07 2010
11:46:07 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
11:46:07   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
11:46:07   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
11:46:07   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
11:46:07 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
11:46:07   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
11:46:07   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
11:46:07   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
11:46:07 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
11:46:07   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
11:46:07   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
11:46:07   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
11:46:07 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
11:46:07   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
11:46:07   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
11:46:07   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
11:46:07 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
11:46:07   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
11:46:07   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
11:46:07   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
11:46:07 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
11:46:07 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
11:46:07 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
11:46:07 Database version 3126
11:46:07 Unlinked the temp db file virtuoso-temp.db as its size (12MB) was 
greater than TempDBSize INI (10MB)
11:46:07 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
11:46:09 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000507 msec
11:46:12 Roll forward started
11:46:12 Roll forward complete
11:46:13 Checkpoint started
11:46:13 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:46:14 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
11:46:14 Server online at 1111 (pid 5992)
11:49:03 Error calling DB.DBA.DBEV_LOGIN [42000] : U0002: The object 
"bulkloading.sql" does not exist.
11:49:08 Error calling DB.DBA.DBEV_LOGIN [42000] : U0002: The object 
"bulkloading.sql" does not exist.
11:49:08 Error calling DB.DBA.DBEV_LOGIN [42000] : U0002: The object 
"bulkloading.sql" does not exist.
11:49:08 Error calling DB.DBA.DBEV_LOGIN [42000] : U0002: The object 
"bulkloading.sql" does not exist.
11:49:16 Too many (4) failed connection attempts from IP []. Disabled 
logging in from that IP for 60 sec.
11:50:06 Too many (4) failed connection attempts from IP []. Disabled 
logging in from that IP for 60 sec.
12:06:06 PL LOG: Loader started
12:06:06 PL LOG: No more files to load. Loader has finished,
12:06:59 PL LOG: Loader started
12:37:08 *** read-ahead of a free or out of range page dp L=77319, database not 
necessarily corrupted.
12:38:30 *** read-ahead of a free or out of range page dp L=77104, database not 
necessarily corrupted.
12:38:32 *** read-ahead of a free or out of range page dp L=77127, database not 
necessarily corrupted.
12:39:37 *** read-ahead of a free or out of range page dp L=85430, database not 
necessarily corrupted.
12:46:15 Checkpoint started
12:46:23 Checkpoint finished, log reused
13:40:54 *** read-ahead of a free or out of range page dp L=88606, database not 
necessarily corrupted.

                Tue Sep 07 2010
14:58:21 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
14:58:21   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
14:58:21   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
14:58:21   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
14:58:21 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
14:58:21   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
14:58:21   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
14:58:21   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
14:58:21 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
14:58:21   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
14:58:21   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
14:58:21   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
14:58:21 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
14:58:22   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
14:58:22   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
14:58:22   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
14:58:22 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
14:58:22   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
14:58:22   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
14:58:22   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
14:58:22 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
14:58:22 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
14:58:22 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
14:58:22 Database version 3126
14:58:22 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
14:58:24 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000497 msec
14:58:29 Roll forward started
14:58:51     1000 transactions, 6356992 bytes replayed (13 %)
14:59:17     2000 transactions, 12779520 bytes replayed (26 %)
14:59:39     3000 transactions, 18644992 bytes replayed (38 %)
15:00:09     4000 transactions, 25001984 bytes replayed (51 %)
15:00:44     5000 transactions, 31490048 bytes replayed (65 %)
15:01:24     6000 transactions, 37879808 bytes replayed (78 %)
15:02:09     7000 transactions, 44400640 bytes replayed (92 %)
15:02:41     7602 transactions, 48255459 bytes replayed (100 %)
15:02:41 Roll forward complete
15:02:52 Checkpoint started
15:02:54 Checkpoint finished, log reused
15:02:54 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
15:02:54 Server online at 1111 (pid 4496)
15:22:25 Initiating normal shutdown
15:22:25 Checkpoint started
15:22:25 Checkpoint finished, log reused

                Tue Sep 07 2010
15:22:38 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
15:22:38   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
15:22:38   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
15:22:38   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
15:22:38 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
15:22:38   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
15:22:38   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
15:22:38   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
15:22:38 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
15:22:38   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
15:22:38   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
15:22:38   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
15:22:38 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
15:22:38   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
15:22:38   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
15:22:38   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
15:22:38 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
15:22:38   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
15:22:38   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
15:22:38   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
15:22:38 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
15:22:38 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
15:22:38 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
15:22:38 Database version 3126
15:22:38 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
15:22:39 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000498 msec
15:22:43 Roll forward started
15:22:43 Roll forward complete
15:22:45 Checkpoint started
15:22:45 Checkpoint finished, log reused
15:22:45 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
15:22:45 Server online at 1111 (pid 4740)
15:48:34 PL LOG: Loader started

                Tue Sep 07 2010
16:24:46 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
16:24:46   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
16:24:46   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
16:24:46   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
16:24:46 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
16:24:46   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
16:24:46   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
16:24:46   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
16:24:46 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
16:24:46   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
16:24:46   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
16:24:46   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
16:24:46 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
16:24:47   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
16:24:47   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
16:24:47   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
16:24:47 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
16:24:47   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
16:24:47   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
16:24:47   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
16:24:47 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
16:24:47 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
16:24:47 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
16:24:47 Database version 3126
16:24:47 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
16:24:49 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000490 msec
16:24:55 Roll forward started
16:24:55     32 transactions, 11595 bytes replayed (100 %)
16:24:55 Roll forward complete
16:24:57 Checkpoint started
16:24:58 Checkpoint finished, log reused
16:24:58 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
16:24:58 Server online at 1111 (pid 2856)
16:27:06 PL LOG: Loader started
16:27:06 PL LOG:  File c:/Programme/linkeddata/freebase/freebase-quads.n4 error 
37000 SP029: NQuads RDF loader, line 7: syntax error
16:27:06 PL LOG: No more files to load. Loader has finished,
17:24:59 Checkpoint started
17:25:00 Checkpoint finished, log reused
18:25:00 Checkpoint started
18:25:01 Checkpoint finished, log reused
19:25:01 Checkpoint started
19:25:04 Checkpoint finished, log reused
20:25:04 Checkpoint started
20:25:06 Checkpoint finished, log reused
21:25:07 Checkpoint started
21:25:08 Checkpoint finished, log reused
22:25:08 Checkpoint started
22:25:09 Checkpoint finished, log reused
23:25:09 Checkpoint started
23:25:10 Checkpoint finished, log reused

                Wed Sep 08 2010
00:25:10 Checkpoint started
00:25:11 Checkpoint finished, log reused
01:25:11 Checkpoint started
01:25:12 Checkpoint finished, log reused
02:25:12 Checkpoint started
02:25:13 Checkpoint finished, log reused
03:25:13 Checkpoint started
03:25:14 Checkpoint finished, log reused
04:25:14 Checkpoint started
04:25:15 Checkpoint finished, log reused
05:25:15 Checkpoint started
05:25:16 Checkpoint finished, log reused
06:25:16 Checkpoint started
06:25:17 Checkpoint finished, log reused
07:25:17 Checkpoint started
07:25:18 Checkpoint finished, log reused
08:25:18 Checkpoint started
08:25:19 Checkpoint finished, log reused
09:25:20 Checkpoint started
09:25:20 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:25:22 Checkpoint started
10:25:22 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:25:24 Checkpoint started
11:25:53 Checkpoint finished, log reused
12:25:55 Checkpoint started
12:25:57 Checkpoint finished, log reused
13:25:57 Checkpoint started
13:26:00 Checkpoint finished, log reused
14:26:01 Checkpoint started
14:26:17 Checkpoint finished, log reused
15:26:18 Checkpoint started
15:26:19 Checkpoint finished, log reused
16:26:19 Checkpoint started
16:26:22 Checkpoint finished, log reused
17:26:24 Checkpoint started
17:26:24 Checkpoint finished, log reused
18:26:24 Checkpoint started
18:26:30 Checkpoint finished, log reused
19:26:33 Checkpoint started
19:26:35 Checkpoint finished, log reused
20:26:35 Checkpoint started
20:26:38 Checkpoint finished, log reused
21:26:38 Checkpoint started
21:26:41 Checkpoint finished, log reused
22:26:42 Checkpoint started
22:26:42 Checkpoint finished, log reused
23:26:43 Checkpoint started
23:26:43 Checkpoint finished, log reused

                Thu Sep 09 2010
00:26:44 Checkpoint started
00:26:44 Checkpoint finished, log reused
01:26:45 Checkpoint started
01:26:45 Checkpoint finished, log reused
02:26:46 Checkpoint started
02:26:46 Checkpoint finished, log reused
03:26:47 Checkpoint started
03:26:47 Checkpoint finished, log reused
04:26:48 Checkpoint started
04:26:48 Checkpoint finished, log reused
05:26:48 Checkpoint started
05:26:48 Checkpoint finished, log reused
06:26:49 Checkpoint started
06:26:49 Checkpoint finished, log reused
07:26:50 Checkpoint started
07:26:51 Checkpoint finished, log reused
08:26:51 Checkpoint started
08:26:52 Checkpoint finished, log reused
09:26:52 Checkpoint started
09:26:53 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:26:53 Checkpoint started
10:26:55 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:26:55 Checkpoint started
11:26:59 Checkpoint finished, log reused
12:27:01 Checkpoint started
12:27:13 Checkpoint finished, log reused
13:27:15 Checkpoint started
13:27:22 Checkpoint finished, log reused
14:27:23 Checkpoint started
14:27:43 Checkpoint finished, log reused
15:27:44 Checkpoint started
15:28:02 Checkpoint finished, log reused
16:28:03 Checkpoint started
16:28:24 Checkpoint finished, log reused
17:28:26 Checkpoint started
17:28:46 Checkpoint finished, log reused
18:28:48 Checkpoint started
18:29:09 Checkpoint finished, log reused
19:29:10 Checkpoint started
19:29:21 Checkpoint finished, log reused
20:29:22 Checkpoint started
20:29:32 Checkpoint finished, log reused
21:29:33 Checkpoint started
21:29:42 Checkpoint finished, log reused
22:29:43 Checkpoint started
22:29:51 Checkpoint finished, log reused
23:29:51 Checkpoint started
23:29:54 Checkpoint finished, log reused

                Fri Sep 10 2010
00:29:55 Checkpoint started
00:29:58 Checkpoint finished, log reused
01:29:58 Checkpoint started
01:29:59 Checkpoint finished, log reused
02:30:00 Checkpoint started
02:30:04 Checkpoint finished, log reused
03:30:06 Checkpoint started
03:30:07 Checkpoint finished, log reused
04:30:08 Checkpoint started
04:30:15 Checkpoint finished, log reused
05:30:15 Checkpoint started
05:30:16 Checkpoint finished, log reused
06:30:16 Checkpoint started
06:30:19 Checkpoint finished, log reused
07:30:19 Checkpoint started
07:30:22 Checkpoint finished, log reused
08:30:24 Checkpoint started
08:30:26 Checkpoint finished, log reused
09:30:27 Checkpoint started
09:30:27 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:30:28 Checkpoint started
10:30:28 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:30:29 Checkpoint started
11:30:29 Checkpoint finished, log reused
12:30:30 Checkpoint started
12:30:30 Checkpoint finished, log reused
13:30:31 Checkpoint started
13:30:31 Checkpoint finished, log reused
14:30:32 Checkpoint started
14:30:32 Checkpoint finished, log reused

                Fri Sep 10 2010
15:23:18 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
15:23:18   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
15:23:18   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
15:23:18   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
15:23:18 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
15:23:18   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
15:23:18   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
15:23:18   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
15:23:18 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
15:23:18   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
15:23:18   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
15:23:18   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
15:23:18 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
15:23:18   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
15:23:18   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
15:23:18   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
15:23:18 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
15:23:18   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
15:23:18   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
15:23:18   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
15:23:18 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
15:23:18 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
15:23:18 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
15:23:18 Database version 3126
15:23:18 Unlinked the temp db file virtuoso-temp.db as its size (18MB) was 
greater than TempDBSize INI (10MB)
15:23:18 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
15:23:20 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000497 msec
15:23:25 Roll forward started
15:23:25     53 transactions, 14532 bytes replayed (100 %)
15:23:25 Roll forward complete
15:23:26 Error executing a server init statement : 22023: SR512: JSO instance 
IRI <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#ThaliaDemo> does not exist --  

15:23:27 Checkpoint started
15:23:28 Checkpoint finished, log reused
15:23:28 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
15:23:28 Server online at 1111 (pid 7568)

                Fri Sep 10 2010
15:26:06 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
15:26:06   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
15:26:06   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
15:26:06   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
15:26:06 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
15:26:06   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
15:26:06   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
15:26:06   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
15:26:06 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
15:26:06   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
15:26:06   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
15:26:06   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
15:26:06 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
15:26:06   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
15:26:06   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
15:26:06   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
15:26:06 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
15:26:06   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
15:26:06   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
15:26:06   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
15:26:06 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
15:26:06 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
15:26:06 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
15:26:06 Database version 3126
15:26:06 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
15:26:07 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000497 msec
15:26:10 Roll forward started
15:26:10     2 transactions, 87 bytes replayed (100 %)
15:26:10 Roll forward complete
15:26:11 Error executing a server init statement : 22023: SR512: JSO instance 
IRI <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#ThaliaDemo> does not exist --  

15:26:11 Checkpoint started
15:26:11 Checkpoint finished, log reused
15:26:12 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
15:26:12 Server online at 1111 (pid 1136)

                Fri Sep 10 2010
15:29:18 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
15:29:18   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
15:29:18   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
15:29:18   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
15:29:18 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
15:29:18   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
15:29:18   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
15:29:18   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
15:29:18 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
15:29:18   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
15:29:18   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
15:29:18   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
15:29:18 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
15:29:18   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
15:29:18   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
15:29:18   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
15:29:18 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
15:29:18   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
15:29:18   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
15:29:18   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
15:29:18 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
15:29:18 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
15:29:18 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
15:29:18 Database version 3126
15:29:18 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
15:29:20 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000505 msec
15:29:23 Roll forward started
15:29:23     2 transactions, 87 bytes replayed (100 %)
15:29:23 Roll forward complete
15:29:23 Error executing a server init statement : 22023: SR512: JSO instance 
IRI <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#ThaliaDemo> does not exist --  

15:29:24 Checkpoint started
15:29:24 Checkpoint finished, log reused
15:29:24 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
15:29:24 Server online at 1111 (pid 6816)
16:05:29 Initiating normal shutdown
16:05:29 Checkpoint started
16:05:29 Checkpoint finished, log reused
16:05:29 Server shutdown complete

                Fri Sep 10 2010
16:05:38 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
16:05:38   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
16:05:38   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
16:05:38   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
16:05:38 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
16:05:38   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
16:05:38   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
16:05:38   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
16:05:38 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
16:05:38   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
16:05:38   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
16:05:38   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
16:05:38 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
16:05:38   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
16:05:38   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
16:05:38   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
16:05:38 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
16:05:38   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
16:05:38   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
16:05:38   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
16:05:38 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
16:05:38 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
16:05:38 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
16:05:38 Database version 3126
16:05:38 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
16:05:40 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000498 msec
16:05:43 Roll forward started
16:05:43 Roll forward complete
16:05:44 Error executing a server init statement : 22023: SR512: JSO instance 
IRI <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#ThaliaDemo> does not exist --  

16:05:44 Checkpoint started
16:05:44 Checkpoint finished, log reused
16:05:45 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
16:05:45 Server online at 1111 (pid 5932)
17:05:46 Checkpoint started
17:05:47 Checkpoint finished, log reused
18:05:47 Checkpoint started
18:05:47 Checkpoint finished, log reused
19:05:48 Checkpoint started
19:05:55 Checkpoint finished, log reused
20:05:56 Checkpoint started
20:06:03 Checkpoint finished, log reused
21:06:04 Checkpoint started
21:06:09 Checkpoint finished, log reused
22:06:09 Checkpoint started
22:06:13 Checkpoint finished, log reused
23:06:14 Checkpoint started
23:06:18 Checkpoint finished, log reused

                Sat Sep 11 2010
00:06:19 Checkpoint started
00:06:20 Checkpoint finished, log reused
01:06:20 Checkpoint started
01:06:21 Checkpoint finished, log reused
02:06:21 Checkpoint started
02:06:22 Checkpoint finished, log reused
03:06:22 Checkpoint started
03:06:23 Checkpoint finished, log reused
04:06:24 Checkpoint started
04:06:24 Checkpoint finished, log reused
05:06:25 Checkpoint started
05:06:25 Checkpoint finished, log reused
06:06:26 Checkpoint started
06:06:26 Checkpoint finished, log reused
07:06:27 Checkpoint started
07:06:27 Checkpoint finished, log reused
08:06:28 Checkpoint started
08:06:28 Checkpoint finished, log reused
09:06:29 Checkpoint started
09:06:29 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:06:30 Checkpoint started
10:06:30 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:06:31 Checkpoint started
11:06:31 Checkpoint finished, log reused
12:06:32 Checkpoint started
12:06:32 Checkpoint finished, log reused
13:06:33 Checkpoint started
13:06:33 Checkpoint finished, log reused
14:06:34 Checkpoint started
14:06:34 Checkpoint finished, log reused
15:06:35 Checkpoint started
15:06:35 Checkpoint finished, log reused
16:06:36 Checkpoint started
16:06:36 Checkpoint finished, log reused
17:06:37 Checkpoint started
17:06:37 Checkpoint finished, log reused
18:06:38 Checkpoint started
18:06:38 Checkpoint finished, log reused
19:06:39 Checkpoint started
19:06:39 Checkpoint finished, log reused
20:06:40 Checkpoint started
20:06:40 Checkpoint finished, log reused
21:06:43 Checkpoint started
21:06:43 Checkpoint finished, log reused
22:06:44 Checkpoint started
22:06:44 Checkpoint finished, log reused
23:06:45 Checkpoint started
23:06:45 Checkpoint finished, log reused

                Sun Sep 12 2010
00:06:46 Checkpoint started
00:06:46 Checkpoint finished, log reused
01:06:47 Checkpoint started
01:06:47 Checkpoint finished, log reused
02:06:48 Checkpoint started
02:06:48 Checkpoint finished, log reused
03:06:49 Checkpoint started
03:06:49 Checkpoint finished, log reused
04:06:50 Checkpoint started
04:06:50 Checkpoint finished, log reused
05:06:51 Checkpoint started
05:06:51 Checkpoint finished, log reused
06:06:51 Checkpoint started
06:06:52 Checkpoint finished, log reused
07:06:52 Checkpoint started
07:06:53 Checkpoint finished, log reused
08:06:53 Checkpoint started
08:06:54 Checkpoint finished, log reused
09:06:54 Checkpoint started
09:06:55 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:06:55 Checkpoint started
10:06:56 Checkpoint finished, log reused
11:06:56 Checkpoint started
11:06:57 Checkpoint finished, log reused
12:06:57 Checkpoint started
12:06:58 Checkpoint finished, log reused
13:06:58 Checkpoint started
13:06:59 Checkpoint finished, log reused
14:06:59 Checkpoint started
14:07:00 Checkpoint finished, log reused
15:07:00 Checkpoint started
15:07:00 Checkpoint finished, log reused
16:07:01 Checkpoint started
16:07:01 Checkpoint finished, log reused
17:07:02 Checkpoint started
17:07:02 Checkpoint finished, log reused
18:07:03 Checkpoint started
18:07:03 Checkpoint finished, log reused
19:07:04 Checkpoint started
19:07:04 Checkpoint finished, log reused
20:07:05 Checkpoint started
20:07:05 Checkpoint finished, log reused
21:07:06 Checkpoint started
21:07:06 Checkpoint finished, log reused
22:07:07 Checkpoint started
22:07:07 Checkpoint finished, log reused
23:07:08 Checkpoint started
23:07:08 Checkpoint finished, log reused

                Mon Sep 13 2010
00:07:09 Checkpoint started
00:07:09 Checkpoint finished, log reused
01:07:10 Checkpoint started
01:07:10 Checkpoint finished, log reused
02:07:11 Checkpoint started
02:07:11 Checkpoint finished, log reused
03:07:12 Checkpoint started
03:07:12 Checkpoint finished, log reused
04:07:13 Checkpoint started
04:07:13 Checkpoint finished, log reused
05:07:14 Checkpoint started
05:07:14 Checkpoint finished, log reused
06:07:15 Checkpoint started
06:07:15 Checkpoint finished, log reused
07:07:16 Checkpoint started
07:07:16 Checkpoint finished, log reused
08:07:17 Checkpoint started
08:07:17 Checkpoint finished, log reused
09:07:18 Checkpoint started
09:07:18 Checkpoint finished, log reused
09:56:33 Malformed data received from IP [] : Bad incoming tag 80. 
Disconnecting the client
09:56:33 Malformed data received from IP [] : Bad incoming tag 80. 
Disconnecting the client
09:56:33 Malformed data received from IP [] : Bad incoming tag 80. 
Disconnecting the client
09:56:33 Malformed data received from IP [] : Bad incoming tag 80. 
Disconnecting the client
10:07:19 Checkpoint started
10:07:19 Checkpoint finished, log reused

                Mon Sep 13 2010
10:23:22 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
10:23:22   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
10:23:22   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
10:23:22   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
10:23:22 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
10:23:22   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
10:23:22   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
10:23:22   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
10:23:22 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
10:23:22   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
10:23:22   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
10:23:22   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
10:23:22 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
10:23:22   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
10:23:22   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
10:23:22   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
10:23:22 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
10:23:22   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
10:23:22   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
10:23:22   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
10:23:22 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
10:23:22 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
10:23:22 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
10:23:22 Database version 3126
10:23:22 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
10:23:24 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000497 msec
10:23:28 Roll forward started
10:23:28     37 transactions, 54023 bytes replayed (100 %)
10:23:28 Roll forward complete
10:23:29 Error executing a server init statement : 22023: SR512: JSO instance 
IRI <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#ThaliaDemo> does not exist --  

10:23:30 Checkpoint started
10:23:30 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:23:30 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
10:23:30 Server online at 1111 (pid 5656)

                Mon Sep 13 2010
10:25:31 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
10:25:31   WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
10:25:31   Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
10:25:31   SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
10:25:31 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
10:25:31   MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
10:25:31   Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
10:25:31   SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
10:25:31 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
10:25:31   CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
10:25:31   Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
10:25:31   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
10:25:31 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
10:25:31   IM version 0.5 from OpenLink Software
10:25:31   Support functions for Image Magick 6.2.4
10:25:31   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
10:25:31 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
10:25:31   WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
10:25:31   Support functions for WBXML2 0.9.2 Library
10:25:31   SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
10:25:31 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
10:25:31 Version 06.01.3127-threads for Win32 as of Jul  9 2010
10:25:31 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
10:25:31 Database version 3126
10:25:31 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
10:25:32 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000497 msec
10:25:36 Roll forward started
10:25:36     2 transactions, 87 bytes replayed (100 %)
10:25:36 Roll forward complete
10:25:36 Error executing a server init statement : 22023: SR512: JSO instance 
IRI <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#ThaliaDemo> does not exist --  

10:25:37 Checkpoint started
10:25:37 Checkpoint finished, log reused
10:25:37 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
10:25:37 Server online at 1111 (pid 6268)

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