* [2011-02-15 09:02:54 -0500] Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com> écrit:
] A DBMS User inside Virtuoso is associated with a WebID. Thus, you have 
] SQL Users or SQL Users associated with WebID re. how DBMS object 
] privileges are handled.

Sure, that's identification. It's the ACL that I'm concerned
with if the ACL is complicated.

] You can have Partitions (Named Graphs) with records for #Kingsley that 
] cover his blogs, wikis etc. You can have another Partition covering HR 
] records for #Kingsley where property values may include Salary, National 
] Insurance Number etc..
] ...
] Do you mean Named Graph? Basically, you have an IRI for each of the 
] Graphs associated with the records/triples you mention above?

Yes. The graphs are small and each contain triples directly
relevant to what is treated as an "object" at the webapp

There are two reasons for this. The first is relating to 
what happens when you dereference a URI. The webapp just
pulls the graph named with that URI and gives it back in
its entirety. This could be emulated by instead doing a
symmetric-bounded-concise-description except for what
happens when a write operation is performed. We have a
requirement for keeping change history. So when you 
save a graph, a diff is done and saved. Because the
graphs relate to an object you can walk the object's
change history, undo changes, etc.. Because graph diffs
are expensive it is also best to keep the graphs small.
Maybe this could also be done by performing the diffs
on the stored and new SBCD...

William Waites                <mailto:w...@styx.org>
http://river.styx.org/ww/        <sip:w...@styx.org>
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