On 2/15/11 12:19 PM, Marc-Alexandre Nolin wrote:

To push the loading capacity of the open source Virtuoso I use 2
things at Bio2RDF.

1) Good size server (24 cores, 128 GB ram). I can't do much for you
here. The more ram the better and the more core, the more parrallel
loading... "up to a certain point with the free version"

2) Exploit the Multithread capability of Virtuoso. Its a combinaison
of script and how to prepare your data to be loaded.

I can't push it as much as the full commercial version of Virtuoso.
I've seen the full version and it has a bigger capacity. However, if
you are in a situation where the full commercial version is not an
option. Here is the way I use to load very large dataset on a single

- Here are 2 scripts that you will need.
-->  http://quebec.download.bio2rdf.org/script/parargs.py Its a
parrallel version of xargs in Linux
-->  http://quebec.download.bio2rdf.org/script/n32virtuoso-9.pl Simple
perl script that call ttlp_mt through an ISQL command

- Either find a way to split your huge RDF/XML file in a lot of self
contains files OR change the file format to RDF/ntriples ... not
RDF/N3. The difference between ntriples and N3 is that you can split
your file wherever you want and it won't matters since there is no
@PREFIX lines
-->  If your files are in RDF/ntriples and you are in Linux, you can
split the huge compressed file (change zcat for cat if it is
uncompress), rename the splitted files and recompress everything like

[nolmar01@ls28 pubmed]$ zcat pubmed-00-18.n3.gz | split -l 1000000 -a
3 - splited_pubmed
[nolmar01@ls28 pubmed]$ ls splited_pubmed* | xargs -n1 -I {} mv {} {}.n3
[nolmar01@ls28 pubmed]$ ls *.n3 | /opt/Bio2rdf/perl/parargs.py -n24 gzip

- Your Virtuoso server need to have as much RAM as possible. I'm
increasing those parameters
NumberOfBuffers                 = 5000000
;NumberOfBuffers                        = 2000
MaxDirtyBuffers                 = 120000
;MaxDirtyBuffers                        = 1200
MaxCheckpointRemap             = 200000
;MaxCheckpointRemap              = 2000

I'm not a Virtuoso specialist, but I've seen increase performance with
bigger number there. Try and error with your own server :)

- Then, depending of the amount of core you have available, start X
n32virtuoso-9.pl with in parameters the list of splitted files
previously created. Use the python script parargs.py to start them
like this:

ls /bio2rdf2/data/entrezgene/All_Protozoa/split.All_Protozoa.* |
/opt/Bio2rdf/perl/parargs.py -n20 perl
/opt/Bio2rdf/perl/n32virtuoso-9.pl geneid 2222 dbabio2rdf 689 2>
All_Protozoa.log&  2>&1

With that command, I've seen the virtuoso process take as much as 18
cores completely on the server.

In this example, I create the list of my splitted file in the first
part of the query. Then I pipe the list in parargs and him to start 20
time the process that follow which is n32virtuoso-9.pl. The parameters
are explain in the n32virtuoso-9.pl file. Then I log the output in a
log file and redirect the stderr output in stdout. parargs will manage
which file of the list is sent to n32virtuoso-9.pl and will not send 2
times the same file. As the process run, you can know how much of the
files have been done by doing a cat of the done_files file in the same
directory you have start n32virtuoso-9.pl

With all that said, know that unless you have a big server and you
keep the big amount of memory you have used to load your file, then
your Virtuoso server will not be very responsive. For a commercial
uses, think about having the commercial version. For example, look at
http://refseq.bio2rdf.org/sparql which contains 3.5 billions triples.
It works, but don't ask queries bigger than a describes on it :)

By commercial, Marc means: Virtuoso Cluster Edition :-)

Bye !!


2011/2/15 Hugh Williams<hwilli...@openlinksw.com>:

Being are very large dataset have you tuned your Virtuoso Server for running on 
the target OS as detailed at:


You can also use the bulk loader scripts we use for loading large datasets at 
if not already doing so:


Note we have quite sometime ago loaded other related  Bio2RDF and Nuerocommons 
datasets into an Amazon Virtuoso  EC2 AMI enabling the instantiation and loaded 
of these datasets in a fraction of the time it would take to load the from 


Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

On 15 Feb 2011, at 15:54, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:


I have been trying to load the uniprot rdf file into virtuoso. Uniprot
provides a rather big file [1] which uncompressed is ~133GB.

I have been trying to load it into virtuoso (6.1.2) but it seems that
virtuoso's performance drops after a while and eventually hangs.
We tried to load it using the method in:

I am then wondering if this is the best approach. I think bio2rdf uses a
perl script to load the data, would this be a preferred approach ? (Has
anyone such script for rdf files?)

Thanks in advance for your help,


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