
On 22 Feb 2011, at 16:37, Abhi wrote:

> I am using Virtuoso Jena provider to persist triples. 
> Triple triple = new Triple(Node.createURI("foo"), Node.createURI("bar"), 
> Node.createLiteral("moo"));
> virtGraph.add(triple);
> Now if I query the graph, conductor shows me
> foo bar moo
> Now if I add a the below
> Triple triple = new Triple(Node.createLiteral("moo"), Node.createURI("bar"), 
> Node.createLiteral("goo"));
> virtGraph.add(triple);
> Now if I query the graph, conductor shows me
> "moo" bar goo
> Observe the quotes around moo. In the first scenario there was no quotes 
> around moo even though I added it as a Literal.

[Hugh] We are going to patch the Virtuoso Jena provider to check the Triple 
Nodes type before insert to prevent this condition occurring and will be part 
of the next update or snapshot.


> What I observed is that if I add a Literal type in the subject position, 
> VirtGraph stores it with quotes, but If I add a Literal in object position 
> VirtGraph does not store it with quotes. I do not want VirthGraph to store 
> string data with quotes. How do I do this? Also, in the RDF specs I read that 
> literals can only be in the predicate or object position but not in the 
> subject position, but jena Node has only interfaces to create a Node of type 
> URI or LITERAL or VARIABLE but no simple string type. Am I missing something 
> here?
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Abhi
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