Hello  every one,
I'm using Virtuoso as my data storage for a web application.
It's a catalogue of dairy products and in this stage the result (from users point of view) is the same as if I were using relational database. I would like to publish RDF triples
that are relevant to the product user is browsing at the moment.

What would be the easiest way to publish RDF data from Virtuoso so that
a RDF browser can read it?

Is there a way to set the header in HTML file that says where the RDF representation is?

I was thinking putting links on every product page where these link
go to a php script that makes SPARQL query and returns a page with
header application/rdf+xml stating it is a rdf data.

I know this is awful approach especially if Virtuoso can do some of this on the fly.

Thanks in advance,

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