On 03/05/2011 00:30, Alexandre Passant wrote:
> Also, is there an easy way to create a full NQUAD archive from the content of 
> my RDF store ?

Should be pretty easy, I think.
a) devise a query that returns everything, for example
select distinct * where {
graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o . } }
limit 1000

b) make it visible at a URL somewhere: I suggest one starting with /sparql
and then all you have to do is curl(1) it off to a file as and when. :)

c) There are more flexible, potentially faster, methods if you go via SQL:
see Conductor / XML / stored queries where a SQLX query is persisted in
WebDAV. You could even write a procedure to format the output as you wish
and then make it a web-service/SOAP endpoint (also in the Conductor).


Tim Haynes
Product Development Consultant
OpenLink Software

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