Hi Hugh,

> Can you please provide the content of the [SPARQL] section of the 
> “virtuoso.ini” file so we can see what setting are in place.

;ExternalQuerySource            = 1
;ExternalXsltSource             = 1
;DefaultGraph                   = http://localhost:8890/dataspace
;ImmutableGraphs                = http://localhost:8890/dataspace
ResultSetMaxRows                = 10000
MaxQueryCostEstimationTime      = 400   ; in seconds
MaxQueryExecutionTime           = 60    ; in seconds
DefaultQuery                    = select distinct(?c) (count(?i) as
?n) where {?i a ?c} order by desc(?n)
DeferInferenceRulesInit         = 0  ; controls inference rules loading
;PingService                    = http://rpc.pingthesemanticweb.com/

> Is your ontology and data available for public download ? If so please 
> provide the location they can be downloaded from, which datasets to load and 
> we can attempt a recreation in-house.

I've made available all the ontologies that I've loaded and the
datadumps at: http://rhizomik.net/html/eurobau/

Hope it helps.



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