Hi Manuel,

I have tested the query you provided against empty default  Virtuoso 6.1.3 and 
6.1.2 databases, and do get results returned:

@prefix rdfs:   <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix owl:    <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
owl:Thing       rdfs:label      "Thing" .
owl:Class       rdfs:label      "Class" .
owl:Nothing     rdfs:label      "Nothing" .
owl:complementOf        rdfs:label      "complementOf" .
owl:unionOf     rdfs:label      "unionOf" .
owl:Ontology    rdfs:label      "Ontology" .
owl:imports     rdfs:label      "imports" .
owl:versionInfo rdfs:label      "versionInfo" .
owl:priorVersion        rdfs:label      "priorVersion" .
owl:OntologyProperty    rdfs:label      "OntologyProperty" .
owl:AnnotationProperty  rdfs:label      "AnnotationProperty" .
owl:equivalentClass     rdfs:label      "equivalentClass" .
owl:disjointWith        rdfs:label      "disjointWith" .
owl:equivalentProperty  rdfs:label      "equivalentProperty" .
owl:differentFrom       rdfs:label      "differentFrom" .
owl:distinctMembers     rdfs:label      "distinctMembers" .
owl:AllDifferent        rdfs:label      "AllDifferent" .
owl:intersectionOf      rdfs:label      "intersectionOf" .
owl:oneOf       rdfs:label      "oneOf" .
owl:Restriction rdfs:label      "Restriction" .
owl:onProperty  rdfs:label      "onProperty" .
owl:allValuesFrom       rdfs:label      "allValuesFrom" .
owl:hasValue    rdfs:label      "hasValue" .
owl:someValuesFrom      rdfs:label      "someValuesFrom" .
owl:minCardinality      rdfs:label      "minCardinality" .
owl:maxCardinality      rdfs:label      "maxCardinality" .
owl:cardinality rdfs:label      "cardinality" .
owl:ObjectProperty      rdfs:label      "ObjectProperty" .
owl:DatatypeProperty    rdfs:label      "DatatypeProperty" .
owl:inverseOf   rdfs:label      "inverseOf" .
owl:TransitiveProperty  rdfs:label      "TransitiveProperty" .
owl:SymmetricProperty   rdfs:label      "SymmetricProperty" .
owl:FunctionalProperty  rdfs:label      "FunctionalProperty" .
owl:InverseFunctionalProperty   rdfs:label      "InverseFunctionalProperty" .
owl:backwardCompatibleWith      rdfs:label      "backwardCompatibleWith" .
owl:incompatibleWith    rdfs:label      "incompatibleWith" .
owl:DeprecatedClass     rdfs:label      "DeprecatedClass" .
owl:DeprecatedProperty  rdfs:label      "DeprecatedProperty" .
owl:DataRange   rdfs:label      "DataRange" .
owl:sameAs      rdfs:label      "sameAs” 

Can you please confirm the Virtuoso version and build data of the binary being 
used by running the command:

$ virtuoso-t -?
Virtuoso Open Source Edition (multi threaded)
Version as of May 29 2011
Compiled for Darwin (i386-apple-darwin10.6.0)
Copyright (C) 1998-2011 OpenLink Software

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

On 14 Jul 2011, at 19:00, manuelso wrote:

> Hi,
> I am running OpenLink Virtuoso version 06.01.3127, on Linux (x86_64).
> My question is the following. I have a SPARQL construct query with complex 
> optionals that returns no results. It looks like ...
> CONSTRUCT { ?s <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?o }
> WHERE { 
>     ?s <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?o . 
>     OPTIONAL { ?s <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#NOT_EXISTING> 
> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#NOT_EXISTING> . }
> }
> I know that the pattern in the OPTIONAL clause is not satisfied but, despite 
> that fact, I should get results. I have tested this query also with Jena-TDB 
> and 4store and in both cases I get results. Also in the SPARQL spec I could 
> read ...
> "If any such instantiation produces a triple containing an unbound variable 
> or an illegal RDF construct, such as a literal in subject or predicate 
> position, then that triple is not included in the output RDF graph." (see 
> also 
> http://answers.semanticweb.com/questions/2529/sparql-construct-queries-against-optional-data)
> So my question is ... whether this is a bug and, if so, if it has been fixed 
> in latest releases ?
> Thanks,
> Manuel Salvadores
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