Hello again,

Not sure how the use the mailing list, really, so I hit "reply to all" over 
here in Microsoft world hoping this gets where its supposed to go without 
turning into spam.

I've attached two versions of the results of:

egrep -l '^(\*\*\*.*FAILED|\*\*\*.*ABORTED)' $(find ./ -name "*" | egrep 

from the build directory so you're only getting the *.outputs with \n***FAILED 
in them.  At least I THINK that's what the ^ does.  I stole the pattern from 
you guys so don't give me grief it misses something. ;-))

Now if Symantec doesn't think they've got viruses I'm pretty sure they'll make 
it past server support's Megabyte Police.  My apologies if they don't.

The 'crash' version is the one that grinds to a halt.  The 'graceful' at least 
makes it back to the bash prompt and tells me to contact support.  You'll 
notice in the (path removed) install script there's a couple of tweaks that I 
stole or adapted from the source version of the Ubuntu package.  It doesn't 
finish but at least it makes it back to a prompt.

Neither version of the script works on Ubuntu 10.04 with a kernel.

Thanks for you help +| reason for hope.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Haynes [mailto:tim.hay...@openlinksw.co.uk] 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 11:16 AM
To: virtuoso-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Virtuoso-users] VOS 5.0.14 make check fails on 10, passes on 9 

On 21/07/2011 21:36, Dondo, Brian wrote:
> Hi.  (am I supposed to say hi on mailing lists?)

You can say hi if you want ;)

> Building 6.1.3 and 5.0.14 VSO on Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04.  Builds on 32 bit 
> Ubuntu presents no problems with either release of VSO.
> It's worth mentioning right away I'm using the -with-iodbc=DIR option.  (=DIR 
> because for some reason in 10.04 the make isn't able to figure the absolute 
> path when it needs it)

That's ok, as long as you have libiodbc2-dev installed on all platforms

> However, we're planning on going live using 64-bit compilations on 64-bit 
> servers.  The other combinations were done because I'm stuck working the 
> angles on this.
> The targeted combination is 5.0.14 VSO on 10.04 Ubuntu 64-bit.  This is where 
> it gets weird.  I can make and make check 5.0.14 on Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit with 
> no problems BUT on 10.04 it compiles clean but I can't run a successful make 
> check.  There're a couple flashes of errors near the beginning of the check 
> and then things go well until it eventually grinds to a halt(ish) when 
> "Running a subset of TPC-D queries against 1111"
> And this is where it gets weirder still.  If I run the make on 10.04 64-bit, 
> tarball the make directory over to a 9.10 64-bit OS and run the make check 
> there, it runs clean!
> Is there a quirk in Ubuntu that could be causing this?  Is it the test suite 
> on 10.04?  The 10.04 compile tests clean on 9.10. Can I trust the binaries on 
> 10.04 if I package them up and install them using Debian utilities?

It's certainly possible there might be quirks; could be that you have older
versions of required packages[0]; could be locale settings[1] at fault
(gawk has been known to be problematic on utf-8 locates before now).

[0] Please double-check against

[1] Please check the output of `locale` on all environments

Best bet is if you send us the various tsuite log files, mostly
binsrc/tests/suite/testall*{output,log} so we can look for more precise errors.


Tim Haynes
Product Development Consultant
OpenLink Software

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Attachment: lucid64-2.6.32-32-server-VSO-5.0.14-graceful_fail.tar.gz
Description: lucid64-2.6.32-32-server-VSO-5.0.14-graceful_fail.tar.gz

Attachment: lucid64-2.6.32-32-server-VSO-5.0.14-crash_check.tar.gz
Description: lucid64-2.6.32-32-server-VSO-5.0.14-crash_check.tar.gz

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