Hi Houda,

Virtuoso does now implement the SPARQL 1.1 GROUP_CONCAT and SAMPLE aggregate 

Note however their is a slight deviation from SPARQL 1.1 in that as the 
specification is not fully ratified stable, SAMPLE and GROUP_CONCAT are not 
added as keywords directly and need to be prefixed with “sql:” until the 
specification is complete. So for the DBpedia query given on 
answers.semanticweb, the following now works:

PREFIX w3geo: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>

SELECT ?name (sql:SAMPLE(?lat) as ?latlat) ?long ?city ?imageBlankEmblem WHERE {
?city dbpprop:imageBlankEmblem ?imageBlankEmblem .
?city rdfs:label ?name .
?city w3geo:lat ?lat .
?city w3geo:long ?long .
FILTER ( ( LANG(?name) = 'en' ) && ( datatype(?lat) =  datatype(?long) ) && ( 
datatype(?long) = xsd:float ) )

As you are using the Virtuoso open source version you would need a later 
snapshot to the current 6.1.3 available on source forge, as this support was 
added recently. A snapshot build containing this support can be obtained from:


which you can rebuild and test  with ...

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

On 2 Aug 2011, at 14:01, Houda kr wrote:

> Hi,
> I need  to know how to return one random label (for each item) when the item 
> has several labels (using SPARQL). I tried the following query, but it 
> returns the same label for all persons 
> SELECT ?person ?name  WHERE {
> ?person a foaf:Agent .
> { SELECT ?name WHERE {
>     ?person rdfs:label ?name
> } LIMIT 1 } .
> }
> Same behavior on DBpedia SPARQL endpoint (see 
> http://answers.semanticweb.com/questions/2726/using-sample-keyword-and-subqueries-at-dbpediaorg).
>  I need to understand why this query doesn't work since the second query 
> should retrieve the first name for each resource from the first query.
> I am trying to use the SAMPLE keyword (SPARQL 1.1), but it is not supported 
> by the current version of Virtuoso. I want to know when the SPARQL 1.1 will 
> be fully integrated in the open source distribution. Any other suggestion is 
> welcome.
> thanks in advance
> Houda
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