Hi Everybody,

I'm trying to move all triples from one graph to another using this command:

prefix wapi:  <http://data.graph.com/provenance/api/>
prefix wapii: <http://data.graph.com//provenance/api/>

DELETE FROM wapii: { ?s ?p ?o . }
INSERT INTO wapi: { ?s ?p ?o . }
WHERE { GRAPH wapii: { ?s ?p ?o . } }

But it's not doing what I expect.  It outputs:

Delete from <(NULL)>, 0 triples -- done Insert into <
http://data.bibdibed.com/provenance/api/>, 198 triples -- done Commit --

There are 198 triples I want to move, so the select part is working

If I check the option:  "Rigorous check of the query"  it returns:

37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: Variable 'o' is used in the query result
set but not assigned

The SPARQL for the query is straight out of the new "Learning Sparql" book.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

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