Hi Guys,

I am trying to run a query by selecting 240 columns. Here's how the query
looks like:

prefix isbsg: <
?isbsgProject*>isbsg:isbsg_project_id as ?isbsg_project_id
?isbsgProject*>isbsg:data_quality_rating as ?data_quality_rating
?isbsgProject*>isbsg:ufp_rating as ?ufp_rating
where { <http://example.com.au/wsf/datasets/1/example_user_23_27092011020901>
<http://www.example.org/ontology/data/DatasetHasProject> ?exampleProject . }

There are three issues that i have:

   - *ISSUE 1: *I cannot select all of the columns. * *

          I get a syntax error when i run the query with all columns added.
At about 128 column. Virtuoso 37000 Error SP030: SPARQL compiler, line 128:
syntax error
          Then when i remove all after 128, i get a second error. Error
SP031: SPARQL compiler: The nesting depth of subexpressions exceed limits of
SPARQL compiler. Then i remove more columns until i get a result. So i got
about 57 columns.

   - *ISSUE 2: *(This has been raised earlier as well)*. *When i add a from,
   again, the number of columns decreases from 57. So the more i add, the less
   column i can select.

   - *ISSUE 3: *Query execution time. Virtuoso 42000 Error The estimated
   execution time 1779716608 (sec) exceeds the limit of 2147483647 (sec).I
   increased the execution time to test but the estimated time isn't even
   greater than the limit and still i get the above error. * *

Am i doing something fundamentally wrong or has this been experienced
by others as well ?? Is there a  work around for this ?? Any help is much



Sachit Malhotra | Clear Blue Water Pty Ltd
+61 403565478 | smalho...@clearbluewater.com.au


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