Hi everyone,

I've deployed a fresh Virtuoso 6.1.5 installation.  I'm using the default
demo.demo.* to generate RdfView of Northwind data.

Specifically I've generated RdfViews for demo.demo.Customers and
demo.demo.Employees.  In each case I used default wizard through Linked
Data -> Views to generate the code.  I made one change - replacing all
instances of Demo# with Customers# or Employees# in order to split each
table into its own graph for testing purposes.

I've now run into the following issues:

On the following query I run into an SQL error:

Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: Internal error: The
SPARQL optimizer has failed to process the query with reasonable
quality. The resulting SQL query is abnormally long. Please paraphrase
the SPARQL query.

select *
where {
graph ?g { ?class a ?entity; ?attribute ?value }

Restricting the above with a FROM NAMED or specifying ?entity or ?g as <
... > makes the query work without issue.  In the following query I have
the same problem:

prefix delta: <http://localhost:8890/ontology/rdfviews/>
prefix demo: <http://localhost:8890/schemas/Demo/>

select *
where {
?s a delta:Delta ; delta:Entity ?entity ; delta:Attribute ?attribute ;
delta:AttributeValue ?deltaValue .
graph ?g { ?class a ?entity; ?attribute ?value }
filter(xsd:string(?value) > xsd:string(?deltaValue))


For the above query I've created a graph containing information to use as a
delta.  The delta:Entity should equal the ?entity in ?class a ?entity.
This query doesn't work with the same error as above.  Again, adding FROMs
or specify ?entity makes the query work.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Peter Secomb

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