Hi All

dotNetRDF uses the ADO.Net provider to talk to Virtuoso and has always used
a SPASQL INSERT DATA command to insert data into the quad store.

Up until a few versions ago this worked fine regardless of the data but a
user recently reported a bug that highlights that from at least 6.1.3
onwards and certainly in 6.1.5 this method no longer accepts blank nodes.
AFAICT this appears to be due to Virtuoso starting to align more closely to
the official SPARQL 1.1 Update standard rather than the old SPARUL informal

Obviously I do not expect Virtuoso to revert to the previous behavior
because I would much rather have it align properly with the standard but I'm
wondering what is now the best way to insert data containing blank nodes via
the ADO.Net provider?

Can I still use INSERT DATA and just use some special syntax for blank nodes


<_:bnode> or <nodeID://bnode>

Or do I need to use an alternative method like call DB.DBA.TTLP() ?

Rob Vesse

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