On 3/11/13 10:18 AM, Benjamin Großmann wrote:
Hmmm ... that should also be standard SPARQL 1 and 1.1

Once I learned this pattern from that reference's bound example (although it's not so straight forward like the new "filter not exists").


The key point is that we have a bug to fix. Tim shouldn't have to refactor his existing app :-)


Am 11.03.2013, 14:39 Uhr, schrieb Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com>:

On 3/11/13 9:20 AM, Benjamin Großmann wrote:
Meanwhile your query works using this clunky statement:

 optional {?S dbpo:numberOfUndergraduateStudents ?ANY}
 filter (!bound(?ANY))


Yes, but Tim's effort is bound to standard SPARQL and I want to keep it
that way :-)

We are fixing this regression.

Note, that you don't have this problem on:
http://live.dbpedia.org/sparql , which runs an older Virtuoso release.


Am 09.03.2013, 21:25 Uhr, schrieb Kingsley Idehen

On 3/9/13 2:28 PM, Tim Finin wrote:
http://dbpedia.org/sparql  gives me a SP031 error for a query that
seems stems from my use of FILTER NOT EXISTS. But this query worked a
when I last ran it about 38 hours ago. Below is the error message I
get, which also shows the query.  Has the server software changed?
-- Tim Finin, Computer Science & Electrical Eng., U. of Maryland,
Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore MD 21250.
http://umbc.edu/~finin/ fi...@umbc.edu skype:timFinin o:4104553522
fax:4104553969 mob:4104993522 -- Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL
compiler: Internal error: sparp_find_origin_of_external_var():
external source equiv is found, external source var is not SPARQL
query: define sql:big-data-const 0 #output-format:text/html define
sql:signal-void-variables 1 define input:default-graph-uri
<http://dbpedia.org> PREFIX dbpr: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/>
PREFIX dbpo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/> select distinct ?S ?NG
where { ?S a dbpo:University. {?S dbpo:country dbpr:United_States}
UNION {?S dbpprop:country dbpr:United_States} ?S
dbpo:numberOfPostgraduateStudents ?NG . FILTER NOT EXISTS {?S
dbpo:numberOfUndergraduateStudents ?ANY} }


Well spotted, there's regression in the new Virtuoso binary behind the
SPARQL endpoint.

We'll get it fixed pronto!



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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