Hi All,

I am trying to build the current develop/7 branch on my CentOS release 
6.4 machine. This is failing during one of the test cases.

git status;
# On branch develop/7
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#       binsrc/yacutia/vad.db
#       binsrc/yacutia/vad.trx
#       binsrc/yacutia/virtuoso.ini
#       binsrc/yacutia/virtuoso.tdb
#       binsrc/yacutia/xddl.xsd
#       binsrc/yacutia/xddl_diff.xsl
#       binsrc/yacutia/xddl_exec.xsl
#       binsrc/yacutia/xddl_procs.xsd
#       binsrc/yacutia/xddl_tables.xsd
#       binsrc/yacutia/xddl_views.xsd

The binsrc/yacutia/* files are not being cleaned up by make clean.
Which might be a source of the problems.

rm -rf /scratch/virtuoso;
local scratch dir where I would like to see the resulting binaries

./configure --help --prefix=/scratch/virtuoso/ 

make clean;
make -j 4 ;
make install

Which failed at a point for creating "yacutia" (I think)

=  Tue Nov 5 13:50:54 CET 2013

VAD Sticker vad_fs.xml creation...
VAD Sticker vad_dav.xml creation...

*** Error S2801: [Virtuoso Driver]CL033: Connect failed to 
localhost:1111 = localhost:1111.
at line 0 of Top-Level:

Starting Virtuoso server ...
Virtuoso server started
***FAILED: execution of DB.DBA.VAD_PACK('vad_dav.xml', '.', 
------------ SQL ERROR -------------

*** Error 42VAD: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]Inexistent file 
resource (./vad/vsp/conductor/folder_error.vspx)
at line 0 of Top-Level:
DB.DBA.VAD_PACK('vad_dav.xml', '.', 'conductor_dav.vad')
***FAILED: execution of DB.DBA.VAD_PACK('vad_fs.xml', '.', 
------------ SQL ERROR -------------

*** Error 42VAD: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]Inexistent file 
resource (./vad/vsp/conductor/folder_error.vspx)
at line 0 of Top-Level:
DB.DBA.VAD_PACK('vad_fs.xml', '.', 'conductor_filesystem.vad')
PASSED: checkpoint
PASSED: shutdown

=  Checking log file mkvad.output for statistics:
=  Total number of tests PASSED  : 2
=  Total number of tests FAILED  : 2
=  Total number of tests ABORTED : 0

*** Not all tests completed successfully
*** Check the file mkvad.output for more information
+ egrep "\*\*.*FAILED:|\*\*.*ABORTED:" mkvad.output
***FAILED: execution of DB.DBA.VAD_PACK('vad_dav.xml', '.', 
***FAILED: execution of DB.DBA.VAD_PACK('vad_fs.xml', '.', 


PS. was hoping to find out why I don't get a dev build
  Jerven Bolleman                        jerven.bolle...@isb-sib.ch
  SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics  Tel: +41 (0)22 379 58 85
  CMU, rue Michel Servet 1               Fax: +41 (0)22 379 58 58
  1211 Geneve 4,
  Switzerland     www.isb-sib.ch - www.uniprot.org
  Follow us at https://twitter.com/#!/uniprot

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