I mean is the time returned by explain() the query execution time excluding
the compilation time?
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Rose Beck <rosebeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry my bad.
> explain() does return a time. Is the time which is returned by explain the
> query execution time?
> SQL> explain('sparql select * where{?a ?b ?c}');
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> {
> from DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD by RDF_QUAD_POGS 2.1e+08 rows
> Key RDF_QUAD_POGS ASC ($23 "s_1_2_t0.S", $22 "s_1_2_t0.P", $21
> "s_1_2_t0.O")
> After code:
> 0: $26 "a" := Call __id2in ($23 "s_1_2_t0.S")
> 5: $27 "b" := Call __id2in ($22 "s_1_2_t0.P")
> 10: $28 "c" := Call __ro2sq ($21 "s_1_2_t0.O")
> 15: BReturn 0
> Select ($26 "a", $27 "b", $28 "c", <$25 "<DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD s_1_2_t0>" spec
> 5>)
> }
> 13 Rows. -- 1 msec.
> Since the dataset contains a lot of rows therefore I am a bit confused?
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Hugh Williams
> <hwilli...@openlinksw.com>wrote:
>> Hi Rose,
>> I don't see any single quotes around the query in the explain function
>> call ?
>> Best Regards
>> Hugh Williams
>> Professional Services
>> OpenLink Software, Inc. // http://www.openlinksw.com/
>> Weblog -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/
>> LinkedIn -- http://www.linkedin.com/company/openlink-software/
>> Twitter -- http://twitter.com/OpenLink
>> Google+ -- http://plus.google.com/100570109519069333827/
>> Facebook -- http://www.facebook.com/OpenLinkSoftware
>> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
>> On 26 Nov 2013, at 05:11, Rose Beck <rosebeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I tried to use explain() with SPARQL but its giving me the following
>> error. Also does explain return the query execution time(which does not
>> include the compilation time).
>> SQL> explain (sparql select * where{?a ?b ?c});
>> *** Error 37000: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]SQ074: Line 1: syntax
>> error at 'sparql' before 'SELECT'
>> at line 3 of Top-Level:
>> explain (sparql select * where{?a ?b ?c})
>> SQL> sparql explain(select * where{?a ?b ?c});
>> *** Error 37000: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]SQ074: Line 1: SP030:
>> SPARQL compiler, line 1: syntax error at 'explain' before '('
>> at line 4 of Top-Level:
>> sparql explain(select * where{?a ?b ?c})
>> SQL> explain (select * where{?a ?b ?c});
>> *** Error 37000: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]SQ074: Line 1: syntax
>> error at 'select' before '*'
>> at line 5 of Top-Level:
>> explain (select * where{?a ?b ?c})
>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Hugh Williams <hwilli...@openlinksw.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi Rose,
>>> You can use the explain() function to obtain a query plan with v6 but it
>>> will not include the compilation time, see:
>>> http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/databaseadmsrv.html#perfdiagqueryplans
>>> Best Regards
>>> Hugh Williams
>>> Professional Services
>>> OpenLink Software, Inc. // http://www.openlinksw.com/
>>> Weblog -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/
>>> LinkedIn -- http://www.linkedin.com/company/openlink-software/
>>> Twitter -- http://twitter.com/OpenLink
>>> Google+ -- http://plus.google.com/100570109519069333827/
>>> Facebook -- http://www.facebook.com/OpenLinkSoftware
>>> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
>>> On 26 Nov 2013, at 01:55, Rose Beck <rosebeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Actually I do not have admin privileges on the server which I am using,
>>> so wont be able to upgrade to version 7. Therefore it will be really great
>>> if there is a method by which I may do profiling with virtuoso version 6.
>>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Rose Beck <rosebeck...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Thanks a lot for helping again.
>>>> Is there some way out by which I may do profiling with V6?
>>>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Hugh Williams <
>>>> hwilli...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Rose,
>>>>> As you are runing v6 the profile function will not work it requires
>>>>> v7+ ...
>>>>> The following shows simpler output with the compilation time being
>>>>> stated at the end:
>>>>> SQL> profile ('sparql select count(*) where {?s ?p ?o}');
>>>>> result
>>>>> _______________________________________________________________________________
>>>>> 287536
>>>>> {
>>>>> time 0.11% fanout 1 input 1 rows
>>>>> time 0.08% fanout 1 input 1 rows
>>>>> { fork
>>>>> time 1e+02% fanout 0 input 1 rows
>>>>> RDF_QUAD 2.9e+05 rows()
>>>>> After code:
>>>>> 0: sum callret-0 1 set no set_ctr
>>>>> 5: BReturn 0
>>>>> }
>>>>> time 0.046% fanout 0 input 1 rows
>>>>> Select (callret-0)
>>>>> }
>>>>> 4 msec 77% cpu, 1 rnd 287210 seq 0% same seg
>>>>> 0% same pg
>>>>> Compilation: 1 msec 0 reads 0% read 0 messages 0% clw
>>>>> 4 Rows. -- 132 msec.
>>>>> SQL>
>>>>> So compilation is 1ms and execution is 132msec
>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>> Hugh Williams
>>>>> Professional Services
>>>>> OpenLink Software, Inc. //
>>>>> http://www.openlinksw.com/
>>>>> Weblog -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/
>>>>> LinkedIn -- http://www.linkedin.com/company/openlink-software/
>>>>> Twitter -- http://twitter.com/OpenLink
>>>>> Google+ -- http://plus.google.com/100570109519069333827/
>>>>> Facebook -- http://www.facebook.com/OpenLinkSoftware
>>>>> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
>>>>> On 25 Nov 2013, at 11:19, Rose Beck <rosebeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Hugh,
>>>>> Thanks a lot for the help.
>>>>> I am using virtuoso version: Version 6.1.8-dev.3127-pthreads as of Aug
>>>>> 10 2013
>>>>> Also I am unable to find the compilation and query execution time from
>>>>> the example result set given below. Can you please help me a bit with
>>>>> this.
>>>>> {
>>>>> -- In the below excerpt some lines are omitted. Comments are inline.
>>>>> time 1.3e-06% fanout 1 1 rows in
>>>>> s# 98 cluster outer seq start, set no <V $40 set_ctr in>
>>>>> save ctx:()
>>>>> -- the section inside the fork is executed to the end
>>>>> -- before the section after the fork is started.
>>>>> s# 161 Fork 42
>>>>> {
>>>>> wait time 0.00012% of exec real time, fanout 0
>>>>> -- The below introduces the 2 stage DFG which does most of the work.
>>>>> s# 108 { Cluster location fragment 51 0 unordered
>>>>> Params: ()
>>>>> Output: ()
>>>>> -- First partitioning step. Each of the 32 slices gets the
>>>>> -- identical plan to execute, this is a flood for all is this
>>>>> -- first step does not specify a partitioning key value.
>>>>> time 8e-05% fanout 0 0 rows in
>>>>> s# 115 Stage 1: Params: (<V $112 set_ctr in>)
>>>>> -- This is the initial table scan. The operator is executed
>>>>> -- 32 times, once for each slice of data.
>>>>> time 0.33% fanout 3.1e+06 32 rows in
>>>>> s# 121 from DB.DBA.ct_c by ct_c 1.7e+08 rows
>>>>> Key ct_c ASC (<V $28 a.k2 in>)
>>>>> [copies params]
>>>>> vector param casts: <V $40 set_ctr in>-> <V $112 set_ctr in>
>>>>> -- This is the second partitioning step, each of the rows of
>>>>> -- output of the previous is sent to the slice corresponding to K2.
>>>>> time 31% fanout 0.9 2e+08 rows in
>>>>> s# 131 Stage 2: Params: (<v $134 q_a.k2 S136 in>, <V $138 set_ctr in>)
>>>>> -- This is the 2nd index lookup, by a.k2 = b.k1 There are two
>>>>> -- parameters given in the vector param cast section, the first
>>>>> -- is a.k2 and the second is the set number. This is constant
>>>>> -- since the query is run on a single row of input but if the
>>>>> -- query were run on multiple rows of input this would specify
>>>>> -- which row of input the a.k2 comes from so that this would be
>>>>> -- aggregated in the right place. Many aggregates can be produced
>>>>> -- in a single invocation with multiple rows of input.
>>>>> time 68% fanout 0 2e+08 rows in
>>>>> s# 144 from DB.DBA.ct_c by ct_c unq 1 rows
>>>>> Key ct_c ASC ()
>>>>> inlined k1 = <v $134 q_a.k2 S136 in>
>>>>> vector param casts: <V $28 a.k2 in>-> <v $134 q_a.k2 S136 in>, <r $112
>>>>> set_ctr via S121>-> <V $138 set_ctr in>
>>>>> -- This is the aggregation.
>>>>> After code:
>>>>> 0: sum <V $43 count i> 1 set no <r $138 set_ctr via S144>
>>>>> 5: BReturn 0
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> -- The below returns the aggregate to the client. The combining of
>>>>> -- aggregates from different slices is implicit in the for operator
>>>>> -- whenever this ends with a cluster location fragment.
>>>>> time 5.4e-07% fanout 0 1 rows in
>>>>> s# 164 Select (<V $43 count i>)
>>>>> set no: <V $40 set_ctr in>
>>>>> }
>>>>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Rose Beck <rosebeck...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Hugh,
>>>>>> Thanks a lot for the help. I tried to profile using profile but I am
>>>>>> getting the following errors:
>>>>>> SQL> profile('sparql select ?a?b?c where{?a ?b ?c}');
>>>>>> *** Error 42001: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]SR185: Undefined
>>>>>> procedure DB.DBA.profile.
>>>>>> at line 9 of Top-Level:
>>>>>> profile('sparql select ?a?b?c where{?a ?b ?c}')
>>>>>> SQL> sparql profile('select ?a?b?c where{?a ?b ?c}');
>>>>>> *** Error 37000: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]SQ074: Line 1:
>>>>>> SP030: SPARQL compiler, line 1: syntax error at 'profile' before '('
>>>>>> at line 10 of Top-Level:
>>>>>> sparql profile('select ?a?b?c where{?a ?b ?c}')
>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Hugh Williams <
>>>>>> hwilli...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Rose,
>>>>>>> With Virtuoso 7 you can obtain the compilation (query plan) and
>>>>>>> query execution time of a query using the "profile" function as
>>>>>>> detailed at:
>>>>>>> http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/databaseadmsrv.html#readingqueryprofile
>>>>>>> You can also enable general query logging and profiling using the
>>>>>>> "prof_enable" function as detailed at:
>>>>>>> http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/databaseadmsrv.html#querylogging
>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>> Hugh Williams
>>>>>>> Professional Services
>>>>>>> OpenLink Software, Inc. //
>>>>>>> http://www.openlinksw.com/
>>>>>>> Weblog -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/
>>>>>>> LinkedIn -- http://www.linkedin.com/company/openlink-software/
>>>>>>> Twitter -- http://twitter.com/OpenLink
>>>>>>> Google+ -- http://plus.google.com/100570109519069333827/
>>>>>>> Facebook -- http://www.facebook.com/OpenLinkSoftware
>>>>>>> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology
>>>>>>> Providers
>>>>>>> On 25 Nov 2013, at 09:15, Rose Beck <rosebeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> After executing SPARQL queries in virtuoso using:
>>>>>>> 1. ./isql 1111 dba dba
>>>>>>> 2. And then firing the SPARQL query
>>>>>>> After this virtuoso returns the query execution time. So does the
>>>>>>> returned time include the plan generation time. If yes, is it possible
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> find:
>>>>>>> (plan generation time) and (time to retrieve the results after the
>>>>>>> plan has already been generated by Virtuoso)?
>>>>>>> I need to know these query times as I am benchmarking Virtuoso
>>>>>>> against postgreSQL. With postgresql I am able to separately retrieve the
>>>>>>> query execution time after the plan has been generated by postgresql
>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>> \timing. It would be great if Virtuoso could also give me the time it
>>>>>>> takes to retrieve the results after the plan has been generated
>>>>>>> separately
>>>>>>> as that would help me take a one to one comparison.
>>>>>>> I'll be really grateful to you for the guidance.
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