Dear Virtuoso developers,

In your new 6.1.8  release you claim support for SPARQL VALID().
A search in the SPARQL standard docs does not seem to reveal such a 
function. Is this like your extension ASSUME()?

I understand the need for extending the standard, as well as postels law.
However, please think of ways adding such features that do not add new 
keywords to the SPARQL language. You could for example add this 
functionality in comments instead.

PREFIX bioh:    <http://virtuoso/optimizerhints>
PREFIX dc:      <>
SELECT ?book ?title
    { ?book dc:title ?title .
      #bioh:assume(?title, isIRI)

This is nicer for those of us who need to support multiple stores and
still want to support Virtuoso in a way that is as good as possible.

Again, I understand the reasoning for adding new features. Yet I urge 
all of you think again about the exact way you have added and advertised 
these features.

Regards and thank you for your time,
  Jerven Bolleman              
  SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics  Tel: +41 (0)22 379 58 85
  CMU, rue Michel Servet 1               Fax: +41 (0)22 379 58 58
  1211 Geneve 4,
  Switzerland -
  Follow us at!/uniprot

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