I have an issue when I try to add a triple which contains a xsd:duration
datatype. For example in a Virtuoso 6.1.6 (and before) when I do the query :
sparql insert into <http://mygraph> {<http://mysubject> <http://myproperty>
The result is this triple :
<http://mysubject> <http://myproperty> "6"^^<
In a Virtuoso 7 when I do the same query I have this error :
Error 22023: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]SR553: Literal of type
xsd:duration can not be created from SQL value of type INTEGER (189):
SR066: Unsupported case in CONVERT (INTEGER -> UNK_DV_TYPE)
For the version 6.1.6 and before it's a bug for sure, but how I can execute
this query in Virtuoso 7 ?
Thanks in advance.
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