I've not been able to find any documentation on the new geo capabilities 
in VOS 7.1 .

My use case is that I have lots of objects with triples like

<obj1> <geo:geometry> "POLYGON ((aa bb, cc dd, ee ff, gg hh)" where the 
polygon string is of type wktLiteral (I've also repeated stateent to 
make it of datatype http://wwww.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#Geometry, 
to allow the previosu geomtry capabilities to work with the data).

In a query I  would like to find all the objects within a bounding polygon.

If this is possible now ... could you sketch out the sparql necessary to 
do this query



Ian Harrison                Email: i...@big-data-analytics.com
Tel: +44 (0)7580 618125

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