Hi Hugh,
1. yes it was client side loader that crashes
2. we run only one loader, to keep our client side loader as simple as
possible. But based on your recommendation we  increased number of loaders
and speed improved  a little bit.
 3. Cloud you pleas clarify what do you mean with swapping? Does virtuoso
do it's own swapping, as when I monitored our system, there was no swapping
on OS level ?
Below is output of status()
OpenLink Virtuoso  Server
Version 07.10.3207-pthreads for Linux as of Mar 13 2014
Started on: 2014-04-08 16:17 GMT+0

Database Status:
  File size 0, 14680064 pages, 7729259 free.
  2400000 buffers, 2316694 used, 2 dirty 0 wired down, repl age 1253701 0
w. io 0 w/crsr.
  Disk Usage: 3198691 reads avg 4 msec, 0% r 0% w last  0 s, 7346381 writes
flush      76.56 MB,
    73305 read ahead, batch = 16.  Autocompact 194490 in 161323 out, 17%
saved col ac: 2534798 in 9% saved.
Gate:  116183 2nd in reads, 0 gate write waits, 0 in while read 0 busy
Log = /usr/local/virtuosoCtl/virtuoso.trx, 1287 bytes
6117570 pages have been changed since last backup (in checkpoint state)
Current backup timestamp: 0x0000-0x00-0x00
Last backup date: unknown
Clients: 16 connects, max 1 concurrent
RPC: 102 calls, -14 pending, 1 max until now, 0 queued, 0 burst reads (0%),
2 second 0M large, 828M max
Checkpoint Remap 831098 pages, 0 mapped back. 1120 s atomic time.
    DB master 14680064 total 7729259 free 831098 remap 1 mapped back
   temp  107520 total 107513 free

Lock Status: 0 deadlocks of which 0 2r1w, 17 waits,
   Currently 1 threads running 0 threads waiting 0 threads in vdb.

Client 1111:16:  Account: dba, 205 bytes in, 257 bytes out, 1 stmts.
PID: 24134, OS: unix, Application: unknown, IP#:
Transaction status: PENDING, 1 threads.

Running Statements:
 Time (msec) Text
         299 status()

Hash indexes

37 Rows. -- 299 msec.

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