On 4/22/14 11:55 AM, ghirardi nicola wrote:
Hi Hugh,

You can find my test sparql endpont here:

Describe query:
DESCRIBE <http://rlink.cineca.it/id/ResearchContent/0156586eb956402a36342f713c3f2dd6>

Select query:
SELECT * WHERE { <http://rlink.cineca.it/id/ResearchContent/0156586eb956402a36342f713c3f2dd6> ?a ?b.}

Thanks a lot.



[1] http://bit.ly/1icgvnS -- DESCRIBE based query solution with define sql:describe-mode "CBD" (Concise Bound Description) pragma
[2] http://bit.ly/QvbLy5 -- Without the CBD pragma.

In a related post, on a different Virtuoso support forum (I think github) I stated:

This matter is a little complicated due to:

1. DESCRIBE being under specified at the SPARQL spec level -- so we have to use pragmas to cover all the different scenarios 2. Named Graph scope -- i.e., you need to factor this into your queries via GRAPH <IRI> or GRAPH ?g

[1] http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparql.html#rdfsqlfromsparqldescribe -- description of the DESCRIBE pragmas with examples.

Hope this helps.


On 22/04/2014 17:51, Hugh Williams wrote:
Hi Nicola,

Are you able to provide a use case for recreation ie against one of our live endpoint like dbpedia.org/sparql <http://dbpedia.org/sparql> or lod.openlinksw.com/sparql <http://lod.openlinksw.com/sparql> or datasets for local recreation ?

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
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On 22 Apr 2014, at 10:02, ghirardi nicola <n.ghira...@cineca.it <mailto:n.ghira...@cineca.it>> wrote:

I'm facing the following error:
Running sparql describe returns only triples within some graphs and not
the complete store.
It gives different result running select *

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