Hi all,

in one of the last messages Hugh suggested to use the dumping/loading
scripts as explained here:


to move data between Virtuoso instances. When the database is "big"
though this can be less practical than just moving the database files,
but in some cases it can be the only choice (e.g. incompatible
versions). I have a few questions to ask before spending time trying
things with our data:

- Are there any ways to optimize the dumping procedure (e.g. tweaking
parameters according to the data, the memory etc.)?
- Does it make sense to remove all the indices in the destination
database, load the dump and only recreate the (standard) indices afterwards?
- Are there any low-level features to export the needed SQL tables
directly, rather than dumping the triples? If yes, would this speed up
the process?

Any other suggestion is appreciated.

Thank you,


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