I am trying to run a federated query of which the individual sub graphs on
the their respective SPARQL points return the expected results, however
when combined I am getting the following error message:

Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: SERVICE <
https://www.ebi.ac.uk/fgpt/atlasrdf/sparql> at line 33 does not support
OPTION (...) clause for triples so SPARQL query can not be composed.

I am running:
Virtuoso Open Source Edition (Column Store) (multi threaded)
Version 7.1.1-dev.3209-pthreads as of May 21 2014
Compiled for Linux (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

and the query submitted is:

SELECT DISTINCT ?wpTitle ?dbXref ?expressionValue WHERE {

  { GRAPH <http://wikipathways>{

    ?pwElement dcterms:isPartOf ?wpPathway .

    ?wpPathway dc:identifier <http://identifiers.org/wikipathways/WP455> .

    ?wpPathway dc:title ?wpTitle .

    ?pwElement wp:bdbEnsembl ?dbXref .


   SERVICE <https://www.ebi.ac.uk/fgpt/atlasrdf/sparql> {

        ?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor .

        ?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe .

        ?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue .

        ?value rdfs:label ?expressionValue .

        ?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref .

        ?disFactor rdfs:subClassOf+ efo:EFO_0000408 .

        ?disease rdf:type ?disFactor .

        ?disFactor rdfs:label ?label .




Anyone has an idea of what is going wrong here? Any suggestion would be
highly appreciated.


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